BioSB Faculty Group meeting
We cordially invite Leaders/Experts from the broad field of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology to participate in the BioSB Faculty Group meeting scheduled on the day preceding the BioSB Conference:
Event: BioSB Faculty Group meeting
Invited: Leaders / Experts from the broad field of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
(Academic and Private sector)
When: May 19 from 18:30 preceding BioSB 2025
(A walking diner will be provided)
Where: Kasteel 'De Berckt', Baarlo
Register: Before 1 May, via the BioSB registration form.
Note 1: You can also register without attending the BioSB conference
About the BioSB Faculty Group
As you may know, the Netherlands Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Research School (BioSB) has been highly active as a national community of experts in bioinformatics and systems biology, with the BioSB education programme, HotTopics sessions and the yearly BioSB community conference as important activities.
Today, bioinformatics, systems biology and related computational research are at the heart of the tremendous developments currently taking place in the field of data-driven life science research. To increase and accelerate the impact of these disciplines we formed a strategic group of PI’s and permanent staff across the Dutch research community and established a BioSB Faculty Group, with the kick-off meeting in May 2023.
The main role of the BioSB Faculty Group is to serve as a sounding board for the BioSB Community Board and the BioSB Educom to enlarge the impact of bioinformatics and systems biology in the Dutch research and education landscape. We convene twice a year, of which once physically on the evening before our yearly BioSB Conference.
The BioSB Faculty Group may also be consulted regarding strategic issues at the national level, including scientific agenda setting, ambassadorship or specific lobbying activities. The aim is to optimize the position of the bioinformatics and systems biology community in the framework of national developments towards the Roadmap large-scale research infrastructures (GWIs), the NWO LIFE research communities, NWO Open Science, Thematic Digital Competence Centres (TDCCs), the National Growth Fund, sector plans, etc.
In order to represent the entire Bioinformatics and Systems Biology field, we explicitly encourage representatives from the private sector to sign up for the BioSB Faculty Group.
Are you interested in participating the BioSB Faculty Group, but unable to attend, please contact Petra Aarnoutse (BioSB community manager).
We encourage you to inform other colleagues you think would fit into the BioSB Faculty Group and point them to this webpage. You can also send names of experienced colleagues who might be interested in contributing their expertise to Petra Aarnoutse so that we can invite them.
If you have any questions about the BioSB Faculty Group meeting, please contact: Petra Aarnoutse.
BioSB 2025
BioSB 2025petra.aarnoutse@health-ri.nl
BioSB 2025BioSB 20250.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Hotel ZuiderduinHotel ZuiderduinZeeweg 52 1931 VL Egmond aan Zee Netherlands