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Update 2 October 2020
BioSB 2020 flash update: BioSB2020 and PhD retreat are switching to online only
With the recent increasing number of covid-19 infections and additional measures introduced by the government, we sadly have to switch both the BioSB 2020 conference on October 27 and 28 as well as the PhD retreat on October 26 to online participation only.
While we regret having to cancel our in-person program, we felt that we no longer could guarantee the safety and well-being of our participants and do not want to risk spreading the virus infections among our valued colleagues and friends. We are of course fully prepared for the online program and believe that despite not being able to meet each other in person, we have a very exciting online program, with keynotes, parallel sessions, the Young Investigator Award ceremony and interactive poster sessions.
If you haven't registered yet for the BioSB 2020 conference, please do so now and don't miss out on this great opportunity to hear about the latest developments in bioinformatics and systems biology within The Netherlands. We also encourage you to spread this information amongst colleagues and friends and that they will join us at this great conference.
Update 24 September 2020
BioSB 2020 flash update: Young Investigator Award, extended poster deadline and final program online
We are very excited to share a number of great updates with regard to the BioSB 2020 conference on October 27 & 28! Since we are now moving closer to the conference date, more and more details are now also being filled in. With this newsflash we hope to bring you up to speed again. Last time, we also asked you to let us know whether you will attend online or in-person and we are happy to see that the distribution is about 50/50 for participants and close to 80% in-person participation of presenters, on the condition of course that we are still allowed to organize the conference physically in October.
Young Investigator Award 2020
We are happy to announce that we already have received a number of nominations for the BioSB Young Investigator Award 2020. This award is aimed at upcoming bioinformatics or systems biology researchers that have completed their PhD during the last year. Since the call for nominations might have been a bit lost due to all other communications, we have decided to extend the deadline for nominations to October 1st. We of course encourage PhD supervisors to submit their nominations before this deadline and give their former PhD student a chance to present their work at the BioSB conference, win a voucher of 500 euros and of course receive the honorary title of "Young Investigator Awardee".
Exclusive evening program keynote: Peter Kapitein
We are very excited that we have been able to add a keynote talk from Peter Kapitein to the evening program, exclusively available for in-person participants of the BioSB 2020 conference. Peter Kapitein is a patient advocate of Inspire2Live and is actively engaged in stimulating patient and citizen involvement in science as well as a strong advocate of open science. He is also one of the founders of Alpe d'Huzes, the foundation famous for its annual cycling event for the fight against cancer. During the keynote event he will entice us with his keynote talk "That's my data!".
Poster submission deadline extended
To allow people to submit their poster abstracts, we have also extended the poster submission deadline to October 2nd. The poster sessions will be completely online and allow you to present your work to other fellow researchers. We are currently integrating the poster sessions into our network conference app: 'NetworkApp' and expect ample opportunities for attendees to look at the poster (videos) and ask questions during the online Q&A sessions.
BioSB PhD retreat
The organization of the PhD retreat on October 26th is still on track! We have an exciting program with career oriented presentations from Judith Zaug (Heidelberg), Maria Suárez-Díez (Wageningen), Denny Borsboom (UvA) and Sergio Martínez-Cuesta (Cambridge). Please make sure you register in time as there are limited places available.
Final program now online
We have also finalized the program for the BioSB 2020 conference and have put this online. We have some changes to the program compared to the previous (pre-hybrid) version, so make sure you check out the program on our conference website. We regrettably had to cancel the breakout sessions and instead have relocated the parallel session such that there are at most four parallel sessions. This does allow attendants to follow more scientific talks. We have also split the poster sessions into an online Q&A part of roughly 45 minutes on both days as well as a meet & greet afterwards for the in-person participants immediately following the online poster sessions. And finally we have an exciting and exclusive evening program with, as indicated before an exciting keynote talk from Peter Kapitein, but also a diner followed by fun activities organized by YoungCB.
Update 8 September 2020
Online registration now open!
We are happy to announce that registration for online participation of the BioSB 2020 conference on October 27 and 28 is now open. You can register for two-day online access via the registration page. Registration for in-person participation is of course also still open and we encourage people to join either online or in-person. Please note that in-person registration means you will also get access to the full two day online program.
Program updates
We are working hard on shaping the details of the final program and are working towards an attractive in-person and online program. The in-person program for instance will include an exclusive evening program with a conference diner, chance to sit and talk with friends and colleagues and we are organizing an inspirational evening session for which more details will follow soon. The poster session will most likely be held online only and made available to both in-person and online participants. We are working on the details, but most likely we expect people to upload a pdf of your poster, maybe a short video presentation and be available for a Q&A session. Be sure to send in your poster abstracts as this provides a very nice opportunity to showcase your work to a large community of bioinformaticians and system biologists.
Poll: online or in-person?
To give us a better estimate of how many people to expect either online or in-person, we have drafted an online poll which we hope you will all fill in. Click this link to join the poll!
Update 31 August 2020
BioSB 2020 conference: We are going hybrid!
We are very excited to announce that this year's BioSB 2020 conference on October 27 and 28 will also take place online. Besides the in-person program that we had planned, we are now organizing a parallel online program. This way, we can accommodate more people to this year’s BioSB conference and, should conditions deteriorate, switch to a completely online program.
We are currently actively shaping up both an attractive in-person as well as an online program and details might of course still change. However, we do already want to share a few things with you.
- First, we will have a lenient cancellation policy and have already extended the current cancellation deadline to September 15th. Should you have any covid-19 symptoms, have come back from an orange area or tested positive within the two weeks preceding the conference, please follow the RIVM guidelines and stay home. We will change your registration to online and refund the registration fee regardless of when you notify us. If you would like to switch your registration to another person, that is also fine.
- Second, registration fees for online participation have been set at 40, 75, 100 and 150 euros incl. VAT for master students, PhDs, academic and industry participants. Registration for online participation will open soon. We hope that you will register for either one of the two formats of the conference and, that way, also support our community.
- Third, keynotes and parallel sessions will be live-streamed and we are finalizing the poster sessions, so please make sure you also submit your poster abstract!
Please keep an eye on our communication channels as we will send more information more frequently as we come closer to the conference and our program gets into shape. We hope that you will participate in the BioSB 2020 conference in October this year and stay safe!
Update 9 April 2020
BioSB 2020 postponed!
Due to the rapid escalation of the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions imposed by the Dutch government to ensure the safety and well-being of people, we unfortunately had to postpone the date of the BioSB 2020 conference planned on April 21-22.
We are pleased to inform you that we have been able to move the conference to later this year!
New date: 27-28 October 2020 (PhD retreat: 26 October)
Our aim is to keep the conference program as much as it is, although slight changes will probably be unavoidable. We will contact all keynote speakers, presenters and registrants with more detailed information soon.
Please keep an eye on this website and our mailings for further updates.
Please note that details on the website and in the programme may not yet be fully up to date!
BioSB 2020
BioSB 2020femke.francissen@biosb.nl
BioSB 2020femke.francissen@biosb.nlhttps://www.aanmelder.nl/biosb2020
BioSB 2020BioSB 20200.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced