Presenter information
Find below some instructions concerning the poster and oral presentations!
The poster sessions will be online. We are currently integrating the poster sessions into our network conference app: Networkapp, and expect ample opportunities for attendees to look at the poster (videos) and ask questions during the online Q&A sessions.
Online Q&A sessions
The online Q&A sessions will be held via, an interactive environment where participants will be able to connect via video chat. The link to enter the town will be available via Networkapp.
We split the posters into odd and even numbers. Please check your poster number in the Networkapp (based on your abstract submission number) and make sure you are there to present your poster on:
- 27 October, 16:30-17:15 (odd numbers)
- 28 October, 11:45-12:30 (even numbers)
Of course you are welcome to join both sessions as we encourage participants to interact with each other!
Oral presentations
The keynote and parallel session presentations will be held via Zoom. Zoom links will be made available via the Networkapp (conference app). You will receive an invitation for the app. Please set up the app on your computer and phone as soon as possible (the app is already accessible).
- prepare your presentation:
- session speaker: 20 minutes: 15-17 minutes presentation & 3-5 minutes for questions
- keynote speaker: 45 minutes: 35-40 minutes presentation & 5-10 minutes for questions.
- prepare your presentation in Powerpoint, ODP or PDF.
- prepare your microphone, headphones and webcam and check if they are properly functioning.
- test your internet connection: 3.0 Mbps (up/down).
- If you don't use the Zoom client/app, use the following web browsers:
- Windows: Internet Explorer 11+, Edge 12+, Firefox 27+, Chrome 30+
- macOS: Safari 7+, Firefox 27+, Chrome 30+
- Linux: Firefox 27+, Chrome 30+
- make sure you are in a quiet room.
- find out here how to share a presentation via Zoom.
How to use Zoom
- If you have no experience with Zoom, you can test how Zoom works by starting your own zoom session. You can start a session with a free Zoom license.
- try to navigate the screen sharing options - find tips here
- Speakers will be invited to a test session where you can test your presentation and ask the organizers questions.
We will be using Slido for questions from participants. The Slido hashtag will be made available at the start of every session. At the end of every presentation the Slido questions will be presented.
BioSB 2020
BioSB 2020femke.francissen@biosb.nl
BioSB 2020BioSB 20200.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced