Peter Kapitein
'That's my data!' - evening keynote lecture
As a Patient Advocate of Inspire2Live Peter connects patients, researchers and clinicians to further research, treatments and care; in the Netherlands as well as international. He organizes congresses, lobbies the matrix of public authorities, health care organizations, insurance companies and health research institutes. Peter also gives lectures and talks to help patients and society to fight cancer where possible. He writes blogs, articles and books that contribute to these topics. Peter has studied the Medical Industrial Complex, the complex in which the stakeholders in healthcare work together in a way that does not necessarily benefit the patient. Health care is (without bad intention) distracted from its essence: the patient.
Peter is married to Marjolijn and has 2 sons: Milo and Jaron. He is one of the founders of Alpe d’HuZes, the foundation that is most famous for the annual cycling event on Mount Alpe d’Huez and that raised over 150 million euro for the fight against cancer. He works at the Central Bank of the Netherlands as a program manager and advisor for complex and politically difficult problems. His employer facilitates him in his job as a patient advocate. His job enables Peter to be genuinely independent and to work tirelessly for the interests of all patients globally. Peter was honoured with a doctorate in October 2012 at the Free University in Amsterdam for connecting patients, researchers and clinicians all over the world.
His website is mainly in Dutch but some parts, articles and columns are in English:
Twitter: @milojaron
BioSB 2020
BioSB 2020femke.francissen@biosb.nl
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