Microbial genomics
Tuesday 27 October 2020, 11:00-12:30
11:00-11:20 | Lennert van Overbeeke, WFSR, part of WUR Real-time WGS monitoring identifies L. monocytogenes outbreaks in The Netherlands and contributes to a rapid detection of the source |
11:23-11:43 | Christine Anyansi, Delft University of Technology Mixed Mycobacterium tuberculosis infections: an underappreciated global phenomenon |
11:46-12:06 | Aysun Urhan, Delft University of Technology A comparative study of pan-genome methods for microbial organisms |
12:10-12:30 |
Aldert Zomer, Utrecht University |
Organized in collaboration with the Division Microbial Bioinformatics of the KNVM
BioSB 2020
BioSB 2020femke.francissen@biosb.nl
BioSB 2020femke.francissen@biosb.nlhttps://www.aanmelder.nl/biosb2020
BioSB 2020BioSB 20200.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced