ELIXIR-NL tech track
ELIXIR Netherlands has decided to organise a parallel tech track at the BioSB 2016 conference. The parallel track will be a technology/applications track, to showcase new technologies, applications, tools and services to the scientific bioinformatics & systems biology community in the Netherlands. The track includes a general update about ELIXIR-NL activities together with an update about the ISBE activities in the Netherlands. The tracks aims at stimulating the interaction between technology development community and the the scientific community. It also wants to stimulate the interaction between ESFRI infrastructures.
April 19 - 16:30 - 18:00 (room Afrika)
Session M) ELIXIR-ISBE: Infrastructure update
Chair: Barend Mons, DTL/ELIXIR-NL
(Provisional agenda!)
- Barend Mons, Dutch Techcentre for Life Sciences / Head of Node ELIXIR-NL (16:30 - 16:35)
Opening & welcome
- Barend Mons, DTL/ELIXIR-NL (16:35 - 16:45)
EOSC: ESFRIs in European Data context
- Vítor Martins dos Santos, Wageningen UR (16:45 - 17:05)
ISBE: Progress in the setup of the infrastructure and projects
- Rob Hooft, DTL/ELIXIR-NL (17:05 - 17:25)
ELIXIR: Progress in the organization and (inter)national projects
- Celia van Gelder, DTL/ELIXIR-NL (17:25 - 17:45)
ELIXIR Training and Education
- Ruben Kok, DTL (17:45 - 17:50)
- Open discussion and questions/answers (17:50 - 18:00)
April 20 - 10:45 - 12:15 (room Afrika)
Session T) Data Interoperability and Learning
Chair: Marco Roos, Leiden University Medical Center
- Natalie Stanford, University of Manchester (10:45-11:07)
FAIRDOM: Data and Model Management for all
- Mark Thompson, Leiden University Medical Center (11:07-11:29)
Using FAIR Data Points towards interoperability in rare-disease data
- Luiz Olavo Bonino Da Silva Santos, Dutch Techcentre for Life Sciences (11:29-11:51)
Bring Your Own Data
- Mateusz Kuzak, Netherlands eScience Center (11:51-12:15)
Enhancing life science research by teaching early stage scientists essential programming and data skills
Abstracts: Abstracts session T.pdf
April 20 14:15 - 15:45 (room Afrika)
Session Y) Scalable Computing and Data Models
Chair: Irene Nooren, SURFsara
This session is organised in conjuction with the DTL-SURF SIG Compute Resources for Life Science Research
- Hindrik Kerstens, Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology (14:15-14:37)
PERCEUS2 a free, flexible and versatile HPC deployment suite
- Jeroen Laros (LUMC) en Paul van Dijk (SURFnet) (14:37-14:59)
Scaling out compute resources using a hybrid cloud-cluster model and a secure research network infrastructure
- Maarten Kooyman, SURFsara (14:59-15:21)
Scalable infrastructure for genetic data analyses
- Kees van Bochove, The Hyve (15:21-15:45)
Usage of open source software for Real World Data Analysis in pharmaceutical companies and healthcare
Abstracts: Abstracts session Y.pdf
Abstract submission
We invite all people interested in presenting technology, applications, tools and infrastructure related subjects, to submit an abstract to the technology track.
You can submit your abstract via the conference abstract submission page.
Possible topics for abstract submission:
- technology as a service
- expertise as a service
- challenges and solutions for computer and network infrastructure
- data interoperability
- (FAIR) data stewardship
- distributed learning
To submit an abstract, go to the abstract submission page.
BioSB 2016
Femke Francissenfemke.francissen@biosb.nl
Femke Francissenfemke.francissen@biosb.nlhttps://www.aanmelder.nl/biosb2016
BioSB 2016BioSB 20160.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Conference Centre De WereltConference Centre De WereltWesthofflaan 2 6741 KH Lunteren Netherlands