Session K - Industrial applications & synthetic biology
Chair: Aljosha Wahl, Delft University of Technology
Tuesday April 19, 16:30 - 18:00 - room Azie 1+2
- Xiaowen Lu, Bioinformatics Group, Wageningen University (16:30 - 16:52)
Computational analysis of the evolutionary engineering principles and modularity of natural product biosynthetic pathways
- Nico Claassens, Wageningen University, Laboratory of Microbiology (16:52 - 17:14)
Integrated in silico analysis of pathway designs for synthetic photo-electro-autotrophy in E. coli
- Alex Salazar, Delft University of Technology (17:14 - 17:36)
Towards phenotype-genotype associations in S. pastorianus: an idustrial yeast with a highly complex genomic architecture
- Aljosha Wahl, Delft University of Technology (17:36 - 18:00)
In-vivo metabolic function under industrial, dynamic conditions (Chair, PI talk)
Abstracts: Abstracts Session K.pdf
BioSB 2016
Femke Francissenfemke.francissen@biosb.nl
BioSB 2016BioSB 20160.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Conference Centre De WereltConference Centre De WereltWesthofflaan 2 6741 KH Lunteren Netherlands