About Best Value Group
Best Value Group is Europe's leading consulting company on the Best Value Approach. Best Value Group assists organizations in implementing the Best Value method. They are the author of the Norwegian book on Best Value: "Prestasjonsinnkjop". The consultants of Best Value Group have assisted many contracting authorities in Norway with their first pilots, are frequently asked to participate in DIFI’s Best Value method committee. They are all fluent in English and have been speaker on multiple conferences for DIFI. The Norwegian courses are evaluated at 4.8 (on a 5 point scale).
Best Value Training September
Jeroen van de Rijtinfo@aanmelder.nl
Jeroen van de Rijtinfo@aanmelder.nlhttps://www.aanmelder.nl/bestvaluetrainingseptember
Best Value Training SeptemberBest Value Training September0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Because of the Corona virus this training will be onlineBecause of the Corona virus this training will be onlineNorway