11 February 2022
Keynote lecture: Ewout Frankema, Professor of Rural and Environmental History at Wageningen University
Panel 1 – Tracing early food practices: a long term perspective. Chair: Anja Fischer
- Daniel Fuks - Domestication as globalization: Tracing globalization to the onset of food production
- Laura I. Kooistra, Merit Hondelink - The Environmental and Cultural Impact on Food and Diet in the Netherlands in the Past
Panel 2 – Settler food systems: exploration & exploitation. Chair: Elena Burgos Martinez
- Rachel Winchcombe - Environmental Encounters, Colonial Commodities, and Food Provisioning in Seventeenth-Century North America
- Lauren Pankin - Rooted by the Vine: The Creation of Settler Identities in Colonial Algeria, 1830-193
- Efrat Gilad, Netta Cohen - Culinary Climates: Food and the Environment among Jewish Settlers in British Mandate Palestine
Coffee & tea break
Panel 3 – Governing food & the environment. Chair: Mathijs Boom
- Robert Striekwold - The roots of marine environmentalism: economics and ecological considerations in 19th century Dutch debates on overfishing
- Antonio Chamorro - A dual Food Regime in Ecuador, the post-Green Revolution environmental legacy (1960s-2020s)
- Olav S. F. Hofland - From Farm to Fork and Back Again: Recycling Food Waste as Pig Feed in the Soviet Union during the Late Twentieth Century
Professor J.M. van Winter Stipend
Prize-giving ceremony of the 2022 Johannes van Dam Prize and the Joop Witteveen Prize
12 February 2022
Panel 4 —Recipes for (un)sustainability. Chair: Nelleke Teughels
- Ana Carolina de Carvalho Viotti, Gabriel Ferreira Gurian - The table of an independent nation: nature, ingredients, habits and identity in the 'cozinheiro nacional' (Brazil, 19th century)
- Christian Reynolds - The evolution of “sustainable” and vegetarian recipes from manuscripts and cookbooks to online: Their environmental impact, and what this means for the future.
- Vicky Hayward - Of Refrescos: Snow and Ice in Spanish Kitchen Culture
11.00–12:30 Panel 5 – Modern environmental/alternative food movements. Chair: Esther Veen
- Peter van Dam - Small is beautiful? The introduction of sustainability in translocal fair trade activism
- Amber Striekwold - Citizens of the planet – the Dutch Alternative Food Movement (1968-1984)
- Iva Pesa, Urban Agriculture - Crisis response or food for all on the Central African Copperbelt
Wrap-up & Closing remarks and topic for 2023
Amsterdam Symposium on the History of Food 2022
Amsterdam Symposium on the History of Food
Amsterdam Symposium on the History of Food 2022communicatie@allardpierson.nl
Amsterdam Symposium on the History of Food 2022Amsterdam Symposium on the History of Food 20220.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Allard PiersonAllard PiersonOude Turfmarkt 127-129 1012GC Amsterdam Netherlands