Amsterdam Symposium on the History of Food: Food and the Environment: The Dynamic Relationship Between Food Practices and Nature
11-12 February 2022, online
Update 19/1: the decision has been made to shift the symposium to an online-only event due to outlook of COVID regulations in the Netherlands. The website will be updated accordingly in the next few days.
The Amsterdam Symposium on the History of Food is the annual international point of assembly and an exchange of knowledge in the field of Food History in the Netherlands. It intends to stimulate debate and research that bridges the gap between different disciplines. Another aim is to transfer academic research to a wider public and stimulate research using the History of Food Collection of the Allard Pierson (Collections of the University of Amsterdam). The symposium is therefore targeted at both an academic and a professional audience.
We are delighted to announce that the Keynote lecture at this year’s ASHF will be delivered by Ewout Frankema, Professor and Chair of Rural and Environmental History at Wageningen University and research fellow of the UK Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). His research agenda focuses on a deeper understanding of the long-term comparative economic development of developing regions (Africa, Latin America, Asia) and the historical origins and nature of present-day global inequality.
Het Amsterdam Symposium on the History of Food is supported by Amsterdams Universiteitsfonds, Hotel de l’Europe, Stichting Gastronomische Bibliotheek, Voeding & Diëtetiek – Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Amsterdam School for Historical Studies – Universiteit van Amsterdam, Rural & Environmental History Group – Wageningen University & Research, Huizinga Instituut, Bibliotheken Eemland, Standaard Uitgeverij, Becht, Carrera Culinair, Fontaine en Vrienden van de Gastronomische Collecties van het Allard Pierson | Collecties van de Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Amsterdam Symposium on the History of Food 2022
Amsterdam Symposium on the History of Food
Amsterdam Symposium on the History of Food 2022communicatie@allardpierson.nl
Amsterdam Symposium on the History of Food 2022Amsterdam Symposium on the History of Food 20220.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Allard PiersonAllard PiersonOude Turfmarkt 127-129 1012GC Amsterdam Netherlands