Location: Centro Didattico Morgagni, Università di Firenze (Morgagni Didactic Center, University of Florence)
viale Morgagni n. 40, Florence - (second floor)
Thursday Class rooms: 204 (main room/group D) 226 (group A) , 228 (group B), 231 (group C)
Friday Class rooms: 204
(you can reach them by the stairs or the elevator that you can find at the hall of the building. At the hall you can also find a board with all the information about the exact location of the specific classes (all the classes have a different number).
MONDAY 01/07 - Setting the stage
09.00 - 10.00 Registration
10.00 - 11.30 Welcome
Ecological approaches to affective neuroscience
Dean Mobbs (CalTech, USA)
11.30 - 12.00 Coffee break
12.00 - 13.00 Workshop Problem-based learning
Liesbet Goossens (Maastricht University, The Netherlands)
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch
14.00 - 15.30 Small group workshop I
15.30 - 16.00 Coffee break
16.00 - 18.00 Workshop Presentation Skills
Liesbet Goossens (Maastricht University, The Netherlands)
19.00 Welcome dinner
Location: Ristorante pizzeria "Il Pinolo"
via Ponte alle Mosse 26 r, Florence.
TUESDAY 02/07 - Anxiety & Panic
09.00 - 10.15 The multifaced aspects of anxiety
Fiammetta Cosci (Florence University)
10.15 - 11.30 Panic & Vital Threats
Giampaolo Perna (Humanitas University, Italy)
11.30 - 12.00 Coffee break
12.00 - 13.00 Small group workshop I
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch
14.00 - 16.00 Workshop Physiological responses in emotional behavior
Antonio Lanata & Fiammetta Cosci (Florence University)
Location: School of Engineering, Polo Santa Marta, Room 047.
Via di Santa Marta 3, 50139 Firenze
16.00 - 16.30 Coffee break
16.30 - 17.30 Small group workshop II
WEDNESDAY 03/07 - Obsessions & Compulsions
09.00 - 10.15 Obsessions & Compusions in the brain
Koen Schruers (Maastricht University, The Netherlands)
10.15 - 11.30 TMS for the OCD spectrum: towards personalization
Stefano Pallanti (Stanford University, USA)
11.30 - 12.00 Coffee break
12.00 - 13.00 Small group workshop I
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch
14.00 - 15.30 Small group workshop II
15.30 - 16.00 Coffee break
16.00 - 17.30 Plasticity of the social brain: lessons to be learnt from autism
Isabel Dziobek (Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany)
THURSDAY 04/07 - Trauma & Exposure
09.00 - 10.15 From fear extinction to exposure therapy
Ulrike Lüken (Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany)
10.15 - 11.30 Neurobiology of functional somatic disorders
Stephan Claes (KU Leuven)
11.30 - 12.00 Coffee break
12.00 - 13.00 Small group workshop II
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch
14.00 - 15.30 Small group workshop II
15.30 - 16.00 Coffee break
16.00 - 17.30 The intergenerational transmission of childhood trauma
Bernet Elzinga (Universiteit Leiden)
FRIDAY 05/07 - Fade Out
09.30 - 11.30 Plenary session
Small group presentations
Liesbet Goossens & Koen Schruers (Maastricht University, The Netherlands)
11.30 - 12.00 Coffee break
12.00 - 13.00 Closing session
Best small group election
Grant awards
Lunch to go
Summer School on Affective Neuroscience 2024
Damaris Kentgenssecr.euron@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Summer School on Affective Neuroscience 2024Summer School on Affective Neuroscience 20240.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Università di FirenzeUniversità di FirenzeViale Giovanni Battista Morgagni, 40 50134 Firenze Italy