
PSPC activities in 2023-2024
Marjan Popov | TU Delft, the Netherlands

System Restoration and Other Grid Services
Douglas Wilson | GE, United Kingdom

HVDC grid protection
Fainan Hassan – GE Grid Solutions, Head of NTI

Automatic parametrizing protection and testing                                                                                  Milan Jankovski | Stedin, the Netherlands

From new system needs to new connection network codes 
Mario Ndreko | TSO TenneT, Germany

Demystifying System Strength and Voltage Stability in Evolving Power Systems 
Aleksandar Boricic | TSO TenneT, The Netherlands

Energy hubs - Solution for charging heavy-duty vehicles 
Pavol Bauer | TU Delft, The Netherlands

A toolset for integrated SAS engineering
Marco Battaglia | Siemens AG, Germany, and  Robbert KoendermannAlliander/Qirion, The Netherlands

Centralized AC_DC protection opportunities 
Ernst Wierenga | DNV, The Netherlands