Poster sessions

The winner of the poster prize is Aster de Vries Lentsch with the poster 'Bunkers but Good- introducint STREAMLINE, a new interview format for social cultural ecosystem service valuation'.

There were two identical and interactive poster sessions with guided poster tours on Monday and Tuesday. Tours were guided by a moderator who guides a group of conference participants to the thematic poster group and introduced quickly the poster presenters.

Tour A           

Tour number: A1

Group: Nature-based solutions for urban challenges


Title of the presentation

C. Albert

Research Group PlanSmart: Planning and Implementing Nature-based Solutions for Urban Regions

S. Bouche-Pillon

A typology to identify how urban wastelands can combine ecological and social benefits

I. Hoņavko

Mapping of ecosystems and their services – Latvian coastal ecosystems case study

L. McGinty

Is the whole worth more than the sum of its parts? Scalability of multiple benefits of urban green infrastructure.

L. Kopperoinen

Future perspectives on possible ways to benefit from nature-based solutions in urban planning: examples from five case studies


Tour number: A3

Group: Marine and coastal ecosystem services


Title of the presentation

R. Koto

Economic assessment of ecosystem goods and services in Karavasta Lagoon. Albania

R. Le Clercq

The integrated multitrophic aquaculture of Veta la Palma (Doñana Natural Park, SW Spain): a successful coupling of ecological and socio-economic values.

N. Marbà

Co-beneficiary management of ecosystems for Blue Carbon. Balearic Islands

B. Skagerfält

A Nordic IPBES-like study - Biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Nordic coastal regions

S. Sugandh

Assessing major ecosystem services offered by Keoladeo National Park: An International Wetland, by using Geospatial tools


Tour number: A5

Group: Cultural ecosystem services


Title of the presentation

V. Selecká

Evaluation of cultural ecosystem services by citizens perception in the cadastral area of Hriňová (Slovakia)

P.E. Aspholm

Nature based ecotourism based on ecosystem services: bird tourism

S.M. Bogdan

Assessing cultural ecosystem services through perceived social values in a mountain landscape in the Romanian Carpathians

H. Lee

Machine-learning-based tagging of crowdsourced image for quantifying cultural ecosystem services – a case study in Saxony, Germany


Tour number: A7

Group: Implementing Ecosystem Services in management and decision-making


Title of the presentation

F. Almeida Costa

Ecological Economic Zoning and Ecosystem Services: Integration of methodological approaches

D. Joyce

Benefits and challenges to the incorporation of socio-cultural valuation within planning

G. Quadri

Ecosystem benefits generated by environmental interventions: a case study

V. Yatsukhno

Value of peatland ecosystem service at the local level in management and decision-making

G. Heutz

Implementing Ecosystem Services in management plans: case-studies in Brasschaat and Antwerp




Tour number: A9

Group: Ecosystem services & Landscape planning


Title of the presentation

N. Castillo Eguskitza

Effectiveness of conservation policy on the value of ecosystem services in a protected area. The case of the Biosphere Reserve of Urdaibai (Basque Country, Spain)

H. Koo

Integrating stakeholder preferences and ecosystem services in future land use strategies in the Upper East Region, Ghana

C. van Reeth

Temporal effects of landscape composition on eusocial, other social and solitary bees in permanent grasslands

L. Muñoz

Web-based PPGIS as a tool for analyzing conflicting ecosystem values and preferences among visitors to protected areas

A. Robert

Improving the representations on forest plantations considering their ecosystem services. Case study in Viêt Nam.


Tour number: A11

Group: Mapping ecosystem services


Title of the presentation

T. del Rio

Mapping vital ecosystem services by integrating local knowledge and remote sensing data. Case study in the Barotse Floodplain, Zambia

E. Stange

Mapping urban biodiversity for informing smart urban growth: the potential for applying the ESTIMAP pollination model at local scales

I. Kokkoris

Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services at the mountainous Natura 2000 sites of Greece

S. Bratanova-Doncheva

Mapping and assessment of ecosystems and ecosystem services and addressing related areas in Bulgraia

M. Gaglio

A framework to establishing bundles of Ecosystem Services related to Renewable Energy Sources and application to bioenergy (presentation only on Tue)


Tour number: A13

Group: Ecosystem service indicators: what you measure is what you get?


Title of the presentation

S. Matthies

An indicator based approach te estimate vescular plant species richness for herbaceous field margins, hedges and field habitats (no presentation)

S. Ottoy

Combining depth extrapolation and digital soil mapping to assess soil organic carbon stocks: what you get is more than what you measure (ECOPLAN)

M.J. Paulin

An indicator based approach for the valuation and assessment of ecosystem services

L. Vargas-Bardosa

Accounting for Ecosystem Assets using Remote Sensing in the Colombian Orinoco River Basin lowlands

D. García del Amo

Relationships between ecosystem services and drivers of change in Western Sierra Nevada: a methodological approach to identify key ecosystem services.



Tour B

Tour number: B2

Group: Payments for ecosystem services in European agricultural landscapes


Title of the presentation

A. Llabrés Payeras

Are there relationship between ecosystem services provision and CAP payment? An evaluation in Southeast Spain

A.D. Slaev

Employing a Coasian analysis of common property rights in assessing the environmental impact of Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES)

M. Torres Miralles

Employing contingent and inferred valuation methods to evaluate the preservation of olive groves and of the associated ecosystem services in the Andalusia region.

J. Spulerova

Links between ecosystem services and agri-environmental measures on the examples from Slovakia


Tour number: B4

Group: Freshwater ecosystem services


Title of the presentation


More room for water

B. Grizzetti

Assessing water ecosystem services for water resource management

P.A. Aspholm

Ecosystem services in Northernmost European rivers – on the fringe toward Arctic.

C. Zoumides

Enhancing the resilience of a Mediterranean river basin with stakeholder engagement.

J. Walker

Optimizing Ecological Restoration for Ecosystem Service Benefits


Tour number: B6

Group: Connecting Young Ecosystem Service Specialists (YESS)


Title of the presentation

A. de Vries Lentsch

Bonkers but Good - Introducing STREAMLINE, a new interview format for socio-cultural ecosystem service valuation

C. Nouta

Applying the TEEB methodology in a National Park in the Netherlands.

K. Gabriels

The insurance value of ecosystems: concept and applicability

S.A. Rahman

Increasing Tree Cover in Agricultural Landscapes: What is the Trade-off amongst Different Ecosystem Services?

H.F. Curzon

Measuring the Social Value of Cultural Ecosystem Services: A Case Study on the Humberhead Peatlands National Nature Reserve.


Tour number: B8

Group: Operationalising the concept of ecosystem services


Title of the presentation

E. Aksoy

Integration of soil multi-functionality into ecosystem services assessment in Europe

N.A. Geamana

Ecosytem services and wetland restauration in lower Danube floodplane (Romania). Stakeholders perceptions

C. Pecher

AlpES - Alpine Ecosystem Services – mapping, maintenance and management

T. Pedone

"The bottom-up approach to natural capital asset and ecosystem services accounting:

the experience of Tenuta Santa Rosa farm”

Z. Izakovičová

Participatory approach in assessment of ecosystem services: lessons learn from the Trnava case study (Slovakia)


Tour number: B10

Group: Ecosystem services & Landscape planning


Title of the presentation

B. Othoniel

Evaluating land management scenarios impacts on pollination and ecosystem services trade-offs in Luxembourg

J. Kleemann

An expert-based ecosystem service assessment with a focus on food provision in Northern Ghana, West Africa

I. Rukšāne

Risk prevention for preservation of the conservation status and values of the ecosystems in the Pilot Implementation Area in Saulkrasti

A. Tolvanen

"Quantification and valuation of ecosystem services to optimize sustainable re-use for low-productive drained peatlands"

A. Colucci

The potential of urban-rural ecotonal buffer for resilient metropolitan regions


Tour number: B12

Group: Ecosystem service indicators: what you measure is what you get?


Title of the presentation

V. Fontana

What´s needed to feed an ecosystem service model for grassland? The way from traditional fieldwork to a multifunctional ES map

C. Granvorka

Policy design, the limits of ecosystem services indicators

J. Hermes

Indicators for Assessing and Valuing the Cultural Ecosystem Service 'Recreation' of Landscapes in Germany

P. Laroche

Essential Variables and the way forward for Ecosystem Services

R.A. Moreno Llorca

Temporal evolution of ecosystem services in Sierra Nevada (Spain).


Tour number: B14

Group: Ecosystem services and economics


Title of the presentation

A.L. Martins

Experimenting the economy: contributions of behavioral economics for the national adaptation governance in Portugal

J.F. Velasco-Muñoz

Ecosystem Service Assessment as a Tool for Sustainable Development in Vulnerable Mountain Areas. The Cultivation of Almond Trees in the Arid Agroecosystem of Southeastern Spain

J. Schulze

How does the introduction of novel bioenergy feedstocks affect ecosystem service bundles under market- and policy-driven scenarios?

V. Burton

Visions for Woodland Expansion

E.L. Cojoc

Anthropogenic fragmentation induces synergic effects on regulating and provisioning ecosystem services

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