Poster sessions
The winner of the poster prize is Aster de Vries Lentsch with the poster 'Bunkers but Good- introducint STREAMLINE, a new interview format for social cultural ecosystem service valuation'.
There were two identical and interactive poster sessions with guided poster tours on Monday and Tuesday. Tours were guided by a moderator who guides a group of conference participants to the thematic poster group and introduced quickly the poster presenters.
Tour A
Tour number: A1 |
Group: Nature-based solutions for urban challenges |
Name |
Title of the presentation |
C. Albert |
Research Group PlanSmart: Planning and Implementing Nature-based Solutions for Urban Regions |
S. Bouche-Pillon |
A typology to identify how urban wastelands can combine ecological and social benefits |
I. Hoņavko |
Mapping of ecosystems and their services – Latvian coastal ecosystems case study |
L. McGinty |
Is the whole worth more than the sum of its parts? Scalability of multiple benefits of urban green infrastructure. |
L. Kopperoinen |
Future perspectives on possible ways to benefit from nature-based solutions in urban planning: examples from five case studies |
Tour number: A3 |
Group: Marine and coastal ecosystem services |
Name |
Title of the presentation |
R. Koto |
Economic assessment of ecosystem goods and services in Karavasta Lagoon. Albania |
R. Le Clercq |
The integrated multitrophic aquaculture of Veta la Palma (Doñana Natural Park, SW Spain): a successful coupling of ecological and socio-economic values. |
N. Marbà |
Co-beneficiary management of ecosystems for Blue Carbon. Balearic Islands |
B. Skagerfält |
A Nordic IPBES-like study - Biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Nordic coastal regions |
S. Sugandh |
Assessing major ecosystem services offered by Keoladeo National Park: An International Wetland, by using Geospatial tools |
Tour number: A5 |
Group: Cultural ecosystem services |
Name |
Title of the presentation |
V. Selecká |
Evaluation of cultural ecosystem services by citizens perception in the cadastral area of Hriňová (Slovakia) |
P.E. Aspholm |
Nature based ecotourism based on ecosystem services: bird tourism |
S.M. Bogdan |
Assessing cultural ecosystem services through perceived social values in a mountain landscape in the Romanian Carpathians |
H. Lee |
Machine-learning-based tagging of crowdsourced image for quantifying cultural ecosystem services – a case study in Saxony, Germany |
Tour number: A7 |
Group: Implementing Ecosystem Services in management and decision-making |
Name |
Title of the presentation |
F. Almeida Costa |
Ecological Economic Zoning and Ecosystem Services: Integration of methodological approaches |
D. Joyce |
Benefits and challenges to the incorporation of socio-cultural valuation within planning |
G. Quadri |
Ecosystem benefits generated by environmental interventions: a case study |
V. Yatsukhno |
Value of peatland ecosystem service at the local level in management and decision-making |
G. Heutz |
Implementing Ecosystem Services in management plans: case-studies in Brasschaat and Antwerp |
Tour number: A9 |
Group: Ecosystem services & Landscape planning |
Name |
Title of the presentation |
N. Castillo Eguskitza |
Effectiveness of conservation policy on the value of ecosystem services in a protected area. The case of the Biosphere Reserve of Urdaibai (Basque Country, Spain) |
H. Koo |
Integrating stakeholder preferences and ecosystem services in future land use strategies in the Upper East Region, Ghana |
C. van Reeth |
Temporal effects of landscape composition on eusocial, other social and solitary bees in permanent grasslands |
L. Muñoz |
Web-based PPGIS as a tool for analyzing conflicting ecosystem values and preferences among visitors to protected areas |
A. Robert |
Improving the representations on forest plantations considering their ecosystem services. Case study in Viêt Nam. |
Tour number: A11 |
Group: Mapping ecosystem services |
Name |
Title of the presentation |
T. del Rio |
Mapping vital ecosystem services by integrating local knowledge and remote sensing data. Case study in the Barotse Floodplain, Zambia |
E. Stange |
Mapping urban biodiversity for informing smart urban growth: the potential for applying the ESTIMAP pollination model at local scales |
I. Kokkoris |
Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services at the mountainous Natura 2000 sites of Greece |
S. Bratanova-Doncheva |
Mapping and assessment of ecosystems and ecosystem services and addressing related areas in Bulgraia |
M. Gaglio |
A framework to establishing bundles of Ecosystem Services related to Renewable Energy Sources and application to bioenergy (presentation only on Tue) |
Tour number: A13 |
Group: Ecosystem service indicators: what you measure is what you get? |
Name |
Title of the presentation |
S. Matthies |
An indicator based approach te estimate vescular plant species richness for herbaceous field margins, hedges and field habitats (no presentation) |
S. Ottoy |
Combining depth extrapolation and digital soil mapping to assess soil organic carbon stocks: what you get is more than what you measure (ECOPLAN) |
M.J. Paulin |
An indicator based approach for the valuation and assessment of ecosystem services |
L. Vargas-Bardosa |
Accounting for Ecosystem Assets using Remote Sensing in the Colombian Orinoco River Basin lowlands |
D. García del Amo |
Relationships between ecosystem services and drivers of change in Western Sierra Nevada: a methodological approach to identify key ecosystem services. |
Tour B
Tour number: B2 |
Group: Payments for ecosystem services in European agricultural landscapes |
Name |
Title of the presentation |
A. Llabrés Payeras |
Are there relationship between ecosystem services provision and CAP payment? An evaluation in Southeast Spain |
A.D. Slaev |
Employing a Coasian analysis of common property rights in assessing the environmental impact of Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) |
M. Torres Miralles |
Employing contingent and inferred valuation methods to evaluate the preservation of olive groves and of the associated ecosystem services in the Andalusia region. |
J. Spulerova |
Links between ecosystem services and agri-environmental measures on the examples from Slovakia |
Tour number: B4 |
Group: Freshwater ecosystem services |
Name |
Title of the presentation |
M.Brilly |
More room for water |
B. Grizzetti |
Assessing water ecosystem services for water resource management |
P.A. Aspholm |
Ecosystem services in Northernmost European rivers – on the fringe toward Arctic. |
C. Zoumides |
Enhancing the resilience of a Mediterranean river basin with stakeholder engagement. |
J. Walker |
Optimizing Ecological Restoration for Ecosystem Service Benefits |
Tour number: B6 |
Group: Connecting Young Ecosystem Service Specialists (YESS) |
Name |
Title of the presentation |
A. de Vries Lentsch |
Bonkers but Good - Introducing STREAMLINE, a new interview format for socio-cultural ecosystem service valuation |
C. Nouta |
Applying the TEEB methodology in a National Park in the Netherlands. |
K. Gabriels |
The insurance value of ecosystems: concept and applicability |
S.A. Rahman |
Increasing Tree Cover in Agricultural Landscapes: What is the Trade-off amongst Different Ecosystem Services? |
H.F. Curzon |
Measuring the Social Value of Cultural Ecosystem Services: A Case Study on the Humberhead Peatlands National Nature Reserve. |
Tour number: B8 |
Group: Operationalising the concept of ecosystem services |
Name |
Title of the presentation |
E. Aksoy |
Integration of soil multi-functionality into ecosystem services assessment in Europe |
N.A. Geamana |
Ecosytem services and wetland restauration in lower Danube floodplane (Romania). Stakeholders perceptions |
C. Pecher |
AlpES - Alpine Ecosystem Services – mapping, maintenance and management |
T. Pedone |
"The bottom-up approach to natural capital asset and ecosystem services accounting: the experience of Tenuta Santa Rosa farm” |
Z. Izakovičová |
Participatory approach in assessment of ecosystem services: lessons learn from the Trnava case study (Slovakia) |
Tour number: B10 |
Group: Ecosystem services & Landscape planning |
Name |
Title of the presentation |
B. Othoniel |
Evaluating land management scenarios impacts on pollination and ecosystem services trade-offs in Luxembourg |
J. Kleemann |
An expert-based ecosystem service assessment with a focus on food provision in Northern Ghana, West Africa |
I. Rukšāne |
Risk prevention for preservation of the conservation status and values of the ecosystems in the Pilot Implementation Area in Saulkrasti |
A. Tolvanen |
"Quantification and valuation of ecosystem services to optimize sustainable re-use for low-productive drained peatlands" |
A. Colucci |
The potential of urban-rural ecotonal buffer for resilient metropolitan regions |
Tour number: B12 |
Group: Ecosystem service indicators: what you measure is what you get? |
Name |
Title of the presentation |
V. Fontana |
What´s needed to feed an ecosystem service model for grassland? The way from traditional fieldwork to a multifunctional ES map |
C. Granvorka |
Policy design, the limits of ecosystem services indicators |
J. Hermes |
Indicators for Assessing and Valuing the Cultural Ecosystem Service 'Recreation' of Landscapes in Germany |
P. Laroche |
Essential Variables and the way forward for Ecosystem Services |
R.A. Moreno Llorca |
Temporal evolution of ecosystem services in Sierra Nevada (Spain). |
Tour number: B14 |
Group: Ecosystem services and economics |
Name |
Title of the presentation |
A.L. Martins |
Experimenting the economy: contributions of behavioral economics for the national adaptation governance in Portugal |
J.F. Velasco-Muñoz |
Ecosystem Service Assessment as a Tool for Sustainable Development in Vulnerable Mountain Areas. The Cultivation of Almond Trees in the Arid Agroecosystem of Southeastern Spain |
J. Schulze |
How does the introduction of novel bioenergy feedstocks affect ecosystem service bundles under market- and policy-driven scenarios? |
V. Burton |
Visions for Woodland Expansion |
E.L. Cojoc |
Anthropogenic fragmentation induces synergic effects on regulating and provisioning ecosystem services |
EU ES conference Antwerp
Martine van
Martine van Weeldenconference@es-partnership.org
EU ES conference AntwerpEU ES conference Antwerp0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
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