Day-by-day programme
19 September 2016
Registration open (Day host: Prof. Eeva Furman, Finnish Environment Institute, OpenNESS coordinator)
Welcome by Ben Delbaere (ECNC; Con Chair)
Welcome by the governor of the province of Antwerp, Cathy Berx
Keynote 1 Prof. Patrick Meire (University of Antwerp)
Keynote 2 Bas Eickhout (MEP)
Keynote 3 Tuuli Kaskinen, Demos Helsinki
Break & coffee (K building)
Panel discussion with keynotes and selected experts, moderated by Nic Balthazar (Belgian film director and TV personality)
Move to D-building
Poster Session 1
Welcome reception
20 September 2016
Welcome by day host (Dr Jan Staes, University of Antwerp, ECOPLAN coordinator)
Keynote 1 Dirk Vandenbussche (Province of Antwerp)
Keynote 2 Wim Van Gils (Natuurpunt)
Keynote 3 Caroline van Leenders (Netherlands Enterprise Agency)
Announcements by Martin Watson (Prospex)
Coffee break 1 & move to the D-building sports hall
Ecosystem services fair
Parallel sessions, block 1
B3 - Putting Ecosystem Services into Practice in Freshwater Management and Policy (room K.102)
C2 - Strengthening ES Communities of Practice (room D.013)
C7 - Implementing the ecosystem service concept on the ground: experiences with guidance, trainings and coaching (room D.328)
G4 - Reflections on the last decade of ecosystem service research: Rights, wrongs, and the way forward (room K.201)
G7 - Embedding an Ecosystem Approach in the West of England (K.101)
O2- Valuation of ecosystem services: How to make sure all values are accounted for? (room D.014)
P4 - Making Cultural ecosystem services count in policy and decision-making (room K.202)
P6 - The role of ecosystem services in national policies? (room K.203)
P8 - What does the ecosystem services concept bring to the circular economy framework through nature based solutions? (room K.103)
P9 - Integrating nature based solutions in sustainable development: What is needed to achieve this? (room D.127)
P10 - Testimonies from the field: Practitioners' perspective on the usefulness of the ecosystem service concept and tools (room D.226)
S10 The impact of the LIFE programme on restoring ecosystem services (room D.015)
Lunch break
Poster session 2
Parallel sessions, block 2
B3 - Putting Ecosystem Services into Practice in Freshwater Management and Policy (CONTINUED) (room K.102)
C7 - Implementing the ecosystem service concept on the ground: experiences with guidance, trainings and coaching (CONTINUED) (room D.328)
C9 - Integrating ecosystem services in impact assessment for policy support (TRAINING session) (room D.226)
O2- Valuation of ecosystem services: How to make sure all values are accounted for? (CONTINUED) (room D.014)
P13 - Innovative business models for ecosystems and natural capital (room K.103)
P14 - Links between Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services (room D.013)
P17 - My Nature, Your Nature ¬– Multiple perspectives on nature in the EU – interactive session (room D.015)
S2 - The ecosystem services of the global protected areas estate: an analysis using Co$ting Nature (room D.127)
S3 – Setting priorities for ecosystem restoration in the EU based on Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services (MAES) (room K.202)
S6 - Social Sciences and Humanities in IPBES+ (room K.101)
T5 – Health as integrating concept in ecosystem services and nature based solutions (room K.201)
Coffee break
Parallel sessions, block 3
C5 - Networking and knowledge exchange to solve Mediterranean challenges (D.015)
C8 - Guidance for users on Ecosystem Services (room D.226)
G6 - Ecosystem services trade-offs workshop: synthesis and implications for knowledge production and uptake (room D.014)
O4- Spatial planning (D.013)
P12 – Making ecosystem services relevant for public procurement decisions in the water sector (room D.328)
S2 - The ecosystem services of the global protected areas estate: an analysis using Co$ting Nature (room D.127) (CONTINUED)
S3 – Setting priorities for ecosystem restoration in the EU based on Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services (MAES) (room K.202) (CONTINUED)
T5 – Health as integrating concept in ecosystem services and nature based solutions (room K.201) (CONTINUED)
Free time
Reception including short speech by the deputé Rik Röttger for the Province of Antwerp (separate registration compulsory)
Location: Horta, Art Nouveau room, Hopland 2, Antwerp
Conference dinner (separate registration compulsory)
Location: Horta, Art Nouveau room, Hopland 2, Antwerp
21 September 2016
Welcome by day host (Dr Mark Rounsevell, University of Edinburgh, OPERAs coordinator)
Keynote 1 Albert Norström (Stockholm Resilience Centre)
Keynote 2 Louise Ann Gallagher (Luc Hoffmann Foundation)
Coffee break
International processes session (room Auditorium)
C4 - Connecting Young Ecosystem Service Specialists (YESS) (room K.102)
C6 – Reframing boot camp - How do you tell your story in a way that will have impact? (room D.013)
G5 - Role of biodiversity in mediating land use intensity – ecosystem services relationships (room K.101)
O3 - SDGs around the world (K.103)
P3 - Using the ecosystem services framework as a catalyst for restoration - opportunities and obstacles (room D.015)
P5 - Behavioural Economics: Implications for ecosystem service valuation, management and policy design (room D.014)
Pick up lunch package and move to Paardenmarkt for busses to excursions
Excursions (separate registration compulsory)
22 September 2016
Parallel sessions, block 1
B1 - Nature-based solutions for urban challenges (room D.013)
C1 - Conceptual Frameworks on Ecosystem Services for Problem solving (room D.014)
C3 – The governance of ecosystem services: Methods to understand, inform development, and support successful implementation (room K.203)
G1- Operationalising the concept of ecosystem services on the ground: Exploring origins and types of knowledge needs, and tools and methods to integrate them (room D.127)
G2 - Tailoring strategies to protect nature and natural capital: how to integrate and build on recent results and insights (room K.201)
O1 - Support better policy making (EKLIPSE) (room D.015)
P2 - Who decides? Making policies on land management work on the farm (room D.328)
P7– Implementing ecosystem services in planning and decision-making (room D.226)
S9 - Integrated assessment and valuation of ecosystem services in specific policy contexts (room K.103)
T3 – Solving practical bottlenecks in ecosystem service mapping (room Auditorium)
T4 - The economics of crop wild relatives (CWR) – refining valuation techniques and bringing the wild relatives of crops into the ecosystem services framework (room K.102)
T7 - Ecosystem services for poverty alleviation (room K.202)
T8 – Ecosystem service indicators: what you measure is what you get? (room K.101)
Coffee break
Parallel sessions, block 2
B1 (2) - Nature-based solutions for urban challenges (room D.013) (CONTINUED)
B4 – Global changes in local ecosystem services in alpine and arctic regions in Europe (room K.102)
C1 (2) - Conceptual frameworks on ecosystem services for problem solving (room D.014) (CONTINUED)
C3 (2) – The governance of ecosystem services: Methods to understand, inform development, and support successful implementation (room K.203) (CONTINUED)
G2 (2) - Tailoring strategies to protect nature and natural capital: how to integrate and build on recent results and insights (room K.201) (CONTINUED)
P2 (2) - Who decides? Making policies on land management work on the farm (room D.328) (CONTINUED)
P7 (2) – Implementing ecosystem services in planning and decision-making (room D.226) (CONTINUED)
S7 – Governance of stakeholder interaction: Experiences of TEEB country studies (room D.127)
S9 (2) - Integrated assessment and valuation of ecosystem services in specific policy contexts (room K.103) (CONTINUED)
T3 (2) – Solving practical bottlenecks in ecosystem service mapping (room Auditorium) (CONTINUED)
T6 - Ecosystem services & Landscape planning (room D.015)
T7 (2) - Ecosystem services for poverty alleviation (room K.202) (CONTINUED)
T8 (2) – Ecosystem service indicators: what you measure is what you get? (room K.101) (CONTINUED)
Parallel sessions, block 3
B1 (3) - Nature-based solutions for urban challenges (room D.013) (CONTINUED)
B2 – Payments for ecosystem services in European agricultural landscapes: Potentials of the ecosystem services concept to improve public agri-environmental measures and private payment schemes (room K.203)
B4 (2) – Global changes in local ecosystem services in alpine and arctic regions in Europe (room K.102) (CONTINUED)
B5 – Informing marine and coastal policy using ecosystem service assessments: evidence from real world applications (room K.103)
G3- Enhancing adaptive capacity of social-ecological systems by incorporation of ecosystem services (room D.328)
P1 – Can’t see the wood for the trees: Policy and business innovations for the sustainable provision of forest ecosystem services (room D.226)
P11 – Natural Capital Accounting and Realistic Policy Utility (room K.202)
S4 – Ecosystem service trade-offs and synergies: patterns across case-studies (room K.101)
S5 - 'Operationalizing the concept of ecosystem services' (room Auditorium)
S8 – Operationalizing the notion of ecosystem integrity for ecosystem services assessment (room K.201)
T2 – Global ecosystem service flows (room D.014)
T6 (2) - Ecosystem services & Landscape planning (room D.015) (CONTINUED)
T10 – How useful is an ecosystem services approach in participatory decision making? Lessons learnt (room D.127)
Coffee break
Parallel sessions, block 4
B2 (2)– Payments for ecosystem services in European agricultural landscapes: Potentials of the ecosystem services concept to improve public agri-environmental measures and private payment schemes (room K.203) (CONTINUED)
B5 (2) – Informing marine and coastal policy using ecosystem service assessments: evidence from real world applications (room K.103) (CONTINUED)
O5 - Managing co-production of ecosystem services (room K.102)
P1 (2) – Can’t see the wood for the trees: Policy and business innovations for the sustainable provision of forest ecosystem services (room D.226) (CONTINUED)
P11 (2) – Natural Capital Accounting and Realistic Policy Utility (room K.202) (CONTINUED)
P16 - Options to secure ecosystem services in the EU external footprint (room D.014)
S1 – Using the DESSIN ecosystem services evaluation framework to assess changes in ecosystem services resulting from the implementation of innovative water technologies (room D.013)
S4 (2) – Ecosystem service trade-offs and synergies: patterns across case-studies (room K.101) (CONTINUED)
S5 (2) - 'Operationalizing the concept of ecosystem services' (room Auditorium) (CONTINUED)
S8 (2) – Operationalizing the notion of ecosystem integrity for ecosystem services assessment (room K.201) (CONTINUED)
T1 – Science into policy and practice: implementation of pollination research findings (room D.328)
T6 (3) - Ecosystem services & Landscape planning (room D.015) (CONTINUED)
T10 (2) – How useful is an ecosystem services approach in participatory decision making? Lessons learnt (room D.127) (CONTINUED)
ESP member meeting (room K.201)
23 September 2016
Welcome by day chair (Dr Sander Jacobs, ESP)
Keynote 1 Humberto Delgado Rosa
(EC-DG Environment)
Keynote 2 Hans Bruyninckx (EEA)
Keynote 3 Birgit de Boissezon (EC-DG Research & Innovation)
Antwerp Declaration
Coffee break
Interactive plenary discussion with panel (keynote speakers and organisers): reflection and way forward.
Moderator: Eeva Primmer (Finnish Environment Institute)
Final Keynote: Kai Chan (The University of British Columbia)
Twitter prize and Poster prize
Closing by Conference chair
EU ES conference Antwerp
Martine van
Martine van Weeldenconference@es-partnership.org
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