From: William Kopelk, Chairman and Founder Palm Springs Modernism Week
Thank you for the most enjoyable tour of Iconic Houses 2023. It was life changing!! I enjoyed everything and commend you for a really well organized tour down to the minute details!! I know what is required to coordinate a tour of that magnitude: the buses, the volunteers, the venues, the speakers, etc!! So well done,
You have much to be proud of. And you looked like you were having a good time through all of it.........How do you do it??!!
We made many new friends and contacts and look forward to seeing those people again. And the memories we have we will keep forever.
Again a sincere thank you!!
From: Hendrik Bohle, journalist in Berlin
I would like to thank you for the amazing program you and your team have put together. I had four wonderful days with inspiring conversations and fantastic insights of the houses.
From: Natalie Dubois, curator Rietveld Schröder House, Utrecht
Zeer veel dank voor het mooie, interessante, inspirerende en zeer goed georganiseerde symposium. We hebben er van genoten en veel inspiratie opgedaan en leuke vakgenoten gesproken.
From: Janice Lyle, Director Emerita of Sunnylands Center & Gardens, Palm Springs
The Iconic Houses conference and tours was one of the most terrific experiences of my traveling life. Everything was so thoughtfully planned, logistically perfect with up to 100 people, and intellectually stimulating. I so value the friendships I have made over the last ten years and this trip made it possible to spend time with so many of my friends.
From: Professor Burkhardt Rukschio, keynote speaker, France
Sie haben ei tolles Programm organisiert! Danke für die spannenden Tage, jeder war ereignisreich. Es war wichtig alte Freunde zu treffen und neuen zu begegnen.
From: James Guthrie, Founder Iriving J. Gill Foundation, San Diego
It was a great conference and tours. I am amazed you were aboe to create such a rich event. Thank you so much!
From: Bayan Mujahed, architect, student architectural heritage, Amman, Jordan
Thank you so much for putting together such an organized and richly planned program. It was all so inspiring and valuable. Please do keep in touch. I look forward to getting more involved with the network in the future and to visit and learn about more amazing houses.
From: Lothar Trierenberg, owner of Villa Beer Foundation, Vienna
Thank you so much! What you manage to do on the side - big compliments for all the organization of this great event and always friendly and open!
It was for us very nice to get to know so many exciting people once again better, an enrichment for our project - thanks to ICONIC HOUSES and you!
From: Jörn Wagenbach, owner Mason Cazenave in Lanneplaà, France
Of the two days tha I joined the conference I loved every minute - thank you so much for your initiative! I‘ve met so many interesting people and experienced the splendor of great houses.
From: Pavel Kuznetsov, former director (living now in exile), Melnikov House, Moscow
Our marvelous IH conference and post-conference field trip are over and I have to say many-many thanks to you. I was so glad to meet you and other IH members again as well as to enjoy masterpieces of Loos, Mies, Plecnik and many others. Everything was just perfectly organised - from speakers' presentations to house visits, travel logistics and receptions. And I understand well how much work is behind it!
2024 City Icons Amsterdam - Housing Highlights
Natascha Drabbeinfo@iconichouses.org
Natascha Drabbeinfo@iconichouses.orghttps://www.aanmelder.nl/2024cityiconsamsterdam
2024 City Icons Amsterdam - Housing Highlights2024 City Icons Amsterdam - Housing Highlights0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced