Conference fee

The conference fee is 200 € (incl. meals and coffee breaks during the conference).

Presenters and PhD students pay a reduced fee of 100 €. Please send a request to get your discount code to Nora Teller: before registering. 



Each participant is expected to arrange their own accommodation during the conference. Here is a list of nice and reasonably priced hotels near the venue: 

Zenit Budapest

Promenade City Hotel

K+K Opera Hotel

Erzsebet City Center

D8 Hotel 



Dinner on Thursday 12/9 - 19:00 at VígVarjú can be booked on a first come first served basis. Different menus will be available, please make sure to indicate your dietary restrictions when registering (even if you're not attending the dinner, it's important for lunch and coffee breaks). 


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