
Burgers Symposium

27 & 28May-2025 | De Werelt in Lunteren

About the event

The Burgers Symposium 2025 will take place on 278 and 28 May, in-person at the conference centre ‘De Werelt’ in Lunteren.  This is a yearly event of the JM Burgerscentrum (JMBC), which serves as the annual meeting platform for all junior and senior scientists of the JMBC. Guests from outside the Burgerscentrum are also welcome.

The programme includes:

  • The Burgers Lecture by Prof. Ivan Marusic (University of Melbourne).

  • A total of 46 slots for 12 min. talks by PhD students and postdocs, with awards for the two best presentations.

  • A session where a selection of New Scientific Staff in the Burgerscentrum will give a presentation.

  • The Symposium Dinner followed by an Invited Lecture by Dr. Aimée Slangen (NIOZ – Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research).

  • The Burgers Gallery, which consists of posters and movies. Each contributor is requested to give a 1 minute pitch about their work. Those giving a pitch will automatically compete for the Burgers Gallery Award for Best Poster or for Best Movie, which will be announced by the end of the symposium.

  • A session on Fluid Flow in the Industry.

  • Award Ceremony: 2024 KIVI Hoogendoorn Fluid Mechanics Award to dr. ir. Jochem Meijer.

In between the sessions, there will be ample possibilities to meet colleagues and friends, to exchange ideas, to talk about collaborations, to enjoy the nice surroundings of the conference centre: coffee/tea breaks, lunches, Symposium Dinner, and networking drinks.

We invite all JMBC members (and interested guests from outside the JMBC) to join in this annual event. Like in the past years, we really hope to welcome many of the JMBC scientific staff, PhD students, and postdocs.

One can register (free of charge, though with obligation to show up at the symposium) before 11th May 2025.

Featured speakers

Symposium Program


Hotel de Werelt

Westhofflaan 2, 6741 KH Lunteren