Course evening 5: The shadow of the microphone
Kevin Toma, 14 April
However much time and attention is given to films, a microphone can still accidently be seen in shot sometimes, or a shot may be more out of focus than intended. Such blunders can bother us and even take us completely out of the film experience, whereas at the same time they are an honest testimony to the human handiwork behind every film. This final session chooses to take the latter perspective and to pay tribute to the flaws of films: their scratches and marks, their shaky images, their editing boo-boos and their secretly bungling actors. So that from now on films will become even better when you spot the shadow of the cameraman.
14 April 2025
The Texture of Film 5: The Shadow of the Microphone
Studium Generale Universiteit
Studium Generale Universiteit Maastrichtsg-lectures@maastrichtuniversity.nl
The Texture of Film 5: The Shadow of the MicrophoneThe Texture of Film 5: The Shadow of the Microphone0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Lumière CinemaLumière CinemaBassin 88 Maastricht Netherlands