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Drive or Ditch

This event is part of our Dies Natalis anniversary week ‘Making sense of mobility’

Cars play an important role in our society. 42% of trips in the Rotterdam-Delft-Den Haag region are made by car. They are popular due the fact that they are always available, travel times are relatively low, and they offer a high level of comfort. At the same time, cars take up a lot of space, have a negative impact on air quality and noise pollution, and a large proportion of accidents are caused by cars. An important question to be answered is what the role of the car will be in the future. How do we keep our cities accessible and livable as the population continues to grow and we also need more space for housing, energy, green areas, etc.? During this inspiration session we will share results of current research, use the brainpower of students to identify innovative solutions for the Innovation District Delft and invite citizens to think along and indicate their preferences.


9.00 - 9.30 Walk-in + coffee/tea

9.30 - 10.00 Opening TU Delft + representative Delft

10.00 - 11.00 3 rounds 20 min (or 3 tables 1 hour): 1) Redesigning the street, 2) Choice experiment, 3) UMDT

11.00 - 11.15 Break

11.15 - 12.30 Design mobility system for a specific region of Delft

12.00 - 13.00 Closure + lunch + poster presentations TU Delft research

Making Sense of Mobility

This event is part of TU Delft’s 183nd Dies Natalis celebrations with the theme Making Sense of Mobility. From 13 to 17 January we discuss and shape the future of mobility together. We invite all students, employees, alumni, partners and peers to take part in one of our events week and join the Dies Natalis anniversary ceremony. With debates, lectures, demo’s and a Mobility Innovation event, there should be something to meet your needs.