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Ridderprint Lunch Lecture

29-Nov-2024 | ME Lecture hall B

Some of us are nearing the final stages of their PhD trajectory and getting ready to defend... Of course, you’ll want to accompany this milestone with a beautifully
printed thesis!

Ridderprint is a specialist in the design and theses printing. On Friday, November 29th, they’ll be giving
a lunch lecture workshop at ME lecture hall B at 13:00! The workshop will inform you about the process of printing your work, the Ridderprint services and possibilities regarding design and digital publishing. Moreover, Ridderprint will provide some valuable tips on how to get the most out of your print!


Everybody is welcome, but if you want to get lunch, please register before Tuesday, November 26th.



Ridderprint lunch lecture November 29th 13:00 - 14:00 in lecture hall B.
Free sandwiches provided when you register before Tuesday, November 26th.