Fear of failure - Improve your social and presentation skills



Do you feel that your fear of failure is holding you back from participating in social situations and/or perform well when presenting?

Learn to deal with your fear of failure so you can perform better as a student and improve your wellbeing.

We developed 2 modules about fear of failure that focus on:

1. Managing your exams.
2. Improving your social skills and presentation skills.


At the end of this workshop about improving your social skills and presentation skills, you will be able to...

  • understand what fear of failure is and identify your personal thoughts and beliefs that play a role in this;
  • challenge these limiting thoughts and focus om more helpful ways to feel more at ease in these situations;
  • improve focus and improve a general healthy lifestyle by relaxation.


In case you want to practise your presentation skills afterwards, with a more confident attitude, feel welcome to participate in the workshop “Presentation skills”, organised by UM Career Services.


Opinions of other students on the training Fear of failure:

  • “I learned what is behind my fear of failure and how I can work with it in the future.”
  • “It helped me to talk to fellow students who experience similar struggles.”


Cancellation arrangement
If you are not able to attend, please send an email 24 hours before the start to: ssc-ppd-groepsaanbod@maastrichtuniversity.nl


