CAPHRI | chs Collaboration (CCC)

About CCC
The Care and Publich Health Research Institute (CAPHRI, Maastricht University, Maastricht) and the Centre for Health and Society (chs, Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf, Germany) are geographically related and have many common interests in research and education in the field of health, care, public health and society.  Therefore, CAPHRI and chs have joined forces within the framework of a formal collaboration agreement. 

Various collaborations have already been implemented in recent years both at individual and organisational level (e.g., joint research applications, projects, publications, and PhDs, with a first bi-national PhD underway). CAPHRI and chs intend to continue and consolidate their joint initiatives, as well as to explore possibilities for new initiatives in the area of research education, within the framework of a formal collaboration agreement. The current and potential future areas of collaboration include:

  • co-investigation in research projects
  • co-authorship of research papers
  • exchange of Master’s students for scientific internships and theses 
  • exchange of teachers and teaching activities
  • joint / bi-national PhD education
  • collaboration in international networks

About the CCC events
The collaboration was officially launched during the first CAPHR-chs Collaboration Day, which took place in Düsseldorf on 22 September 2021. During this day plans were presented and researchers had the opportunity to meet each other and brainstorm about possible collaborative projects and initiatives and several working groups were establised. 

During the second CCC day on 21 June 2022, researchers came together to intensify the collaboration on research and education in care and public health. Further plans were forged for joint (conceptual) research papers, co-investigation in research projects, exchange of Master’s students for scientific internships and theses, joint literature clubs, joint seminars, (post-academic) courses, and staff exchange (both for education and teaching from PhDs till senior staff). The content-wise part of the meeting was concluded with an informative meeting by Vivian Braeken and Evamaria Gruchattka about the possible funding of research and education in the Netherlands, Germany, and across borders.

The third CCC Day was an online event, which took place on May 16 2023. During this event, all present researchers were introduced to CCC research. In addition, a workshop on Predatory Publishing Practices was provided. Finally, opportunities were provided to meet old and new colleagues from abroad.

This year, on April 24, an additional CCC workshop was organized on the theme 'The use of AI '. Several speakers reflected not only on the use in an educational setting (e.g., on how AI impacts our educational assignments and how we should change our teaching assignments to meet our learning goals), but also in our research (e.g., AI can be used in an ethical way, but the difference between proper use and for example plagiarism, can be difficult to detect. Are journal editors afraid that many articles become fabricated in the era of AI? What measures can be taken to prevent this?). 

And, now we are very much looking forward to seeing you at the fourth CCC Day on September 11!