CLEER 2024
reading material & presentations


CLEER programme 2024 

Reading material:

Merijn Chamon: PDF

Inge Govaere: PDF 
(Govaere, I., “Promoting the Rule of Law in EU External Relations: A Conceptual Framework”, in Allan Rosas, Juha Raitio and Pekka Pohjankoski (eds.) “The Rule of Law’s Anatomy in the EU: Foundations and Protections”, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2023, pp. 189- 206)

Joris Larik: PDF
(Joris Larik, "Common Commercial Policy", in Ramses Wessel and Joris Larik (eds), EU External Relations Law: Text, Cases and Materials (2nd edition, Hart Publishing, 2020)

Eleftheria Neframi: PDF

Jospehine Norris:
C-551/21 - Commission v Council (Signature d’accords internationaux) - Judgment
C-382/22 – KaiKai – Judgment and Opinion of the AG
She will mention the AG Opinion in C-29/22: CURIA - Documents (

Andrea Ott: PDF

Peter Van Elsuwege: PDF

Ramses Wessel: PDF


Powerpoint presentations: