19 June 2024
Registration with coffee and tea
Also take the opportunity to let a professional photographer take your picture that you can use for your UM profile page, CV etc.
Opening by Silvia Evers
Scientific Director CAPHRI
'Scenes on Social Safety'
The Dutch Actors’ Society will produce several short scenes to illustrate various forms of unacceptable behaviour and spark internal discussion.
CAPHRI PhD poster session
& coffee break
Also take the opportunity to let a professional photographer take your picture that you can use for your UM profile page, CV etc.
Group picture
Various workshops
Everyone is invited to participate in the different workshops linked to the theme of the day. Selection and registration will take place during the day*.
Plenary recap of the day
Jointly we will reflect on the harvest of our annual research day.
Award ceremony & informal drinks
We are excited to announce who will win the CAPHRI Dissertation Award 2023 and the PhD Poster Award. The awards will be presented by members of the CAPHRI Science Committee.
Annual CAPHRI Research Day 2024
Registration website for Annual CAPHRI Research Day 2024Annual CAPHRI Research Day
Annual CAPHRI Research Day 2024secretariaat-caphri@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Annual CAPHRI Research Day 2024Annual CAPHRI Research Day 20240.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced