Meet the speakers!
Learn from your Brilliant Failures! Bas Ruyssenaars is an innovator and entrepreneur. He specializes in empowering businesses and organizations with creative strategy building. Apart from being Founder and director at creative agency The Choice Architects he is co-founder at the Institute of Brilliant Failures, promoting transparency and self-reflection; He is the inventor and owner of the new sports game YOU.FO. Bas has experience as a multimedia publisher (o.a. Kluwer), marketeer and a developer of new business concepts. He obtained his Masters degree Culture Organization and Management at the Free University of Amsterdam and his Bachelor International Business at the Haarlem Business School. The world we live in is changing faster and development is increasing. Our global connected world is getting smaller. With mediocrity, directly linked to the fear of failure, you don't make it. In short, the importance of an open attitude towards taking risks, trying, daring to fail and learning from them is increasing. To find your way in this turbulent era, navigating instead of controlling is an important skill. And you learn these abilities precisely by making failures and adjusting. Activities are moving so fast that linearity and innovation are no longer sufficient or even possible. We must increase our speed through trial and error and dare to fail brilliantly: you do something with the best of intentions and you embrace the idea that the outcome may be different than planned. You not only increase the chance of discovering something important by chance, but also your learning capacity and your F.A.I.L. (First Attempts in Learning) capacity. With inspiring examples and deployment of our Brilliant Failures Archetypes: common universal patterns or learning moments that participants can benefit from. During the keynote lecture we introduce participants to the Brilliant Failures framework and the power of pattern recognition with humor and relevance. Participants learn to look at their own context from the perspective of Brilliant Failures. The aim is to positively challenge participants to have an open attitude towards innovation, failure and learning from it on a individual, team, organizational and system level. |
Individual (epi)genomic fingerprinting for forensics and beyond I am an internationally recognized expert in forensic genomics and a PI/associate professor in individual epigenomics, based at the Dept Clinical Genetics at Maastricht UMC+ and Dept Genetics and Cell biology at Maastricht University. During this brief talk, I will introduce my main research lines and newly founded lab to the GROW community, particularly on the topics of human identification and ageing/lifestyle research using cutting edge computational and experimental methods. |
AI in Systematic Reviews Systematic and scoping reviews are essential in providing a stuctured overview of scientific knowledge. Unfortunately, these thorough reviews are rather time-consuming to produce. It is therefore not surprising that there has been a surge in AI-based tools promising to lessen the workload. I will discuss recent insights into the do’s and don’ts when it comes to AI and reviews. |
GROW Travel Grant to conduct mediation analyses in The United States of America |
GROW Science Day 2024
Registration website for GROW Science Day 2024GROW Research Institute for Oncology &
GROW Research Institute for Oncology & Reproductionsecretariaat-grow@maastrichtuniversity.nl
GROW Science Day 2024GROW Science Day 20240.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Hotel Van der ValkHotel Van der ValkNijverheidsweg 35 6227 AL Maastricht Netherlands