CISM Certificering 
Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) is one of the most complete and comprehensive globally recognized certification in information security management. The certificate affirms your ability to assess risks, implement effective governance, and proactively resopon to incidents.
The CISM certification focuses on the following 4 domains:
- Information Security Governance (17%)
- Information Security Risk Management (20%)
- Information Security Program (33%)
- Incident Management (30%)
A minimum score must be achieved in each domain to pass the exam.
CISM exam
The CISM exam is a multiple-choice exam consisting of 150 questions which need to be answered within 4 hours (240 minutes). Preparation is essential to ensure you don’t lose too much time thinking about the answer.
Dates, time and location
The training will take place on 5 Thursday evenings: 26 September, 3 October, 10 October, 17 October and 7 November.
The training is ONLINE only via MS Teams.
The training times are: 18:30 pm to 21:30 pm.
You should log in by 18:15 so that we can start with the training at 18:30.
You will receive 3 points for every training session you have participated in. You will also receive a Certificate of Participation.
ISACA NL Chapter
Trainer: Erik Pols
Training costs
Kosten: CISM training € 600,- for ISACA members (€800,- for non-members) excl. learning materials and the exam, VAT exempt.
Study load
The study load for the exam, outside of the training hours, is 20 to 100 hours dependent on the level of experience you have.
Learning materials
Learning matrials are not included in the price and must be ordered by the students themselves via ISACA
Exam registration and costs
The exam cost ISACA members $ 575 and for non-members $ 760. The exams are organized by ISACA International. You can only register for an exam via ISACA Global. ISACA NL Chapter does not play a role in the exams. Read more on
CISM training najaar 2024
CISM training najaar
CISM training najaar 2024trainingen@isaca.nl
CISM training najaar 2024CISM training najaar 20240.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
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