11.00: Labtour Health at TU Delft (optional)
12.00: Networking lunch; connect with like-minded professionals
12.45: Opening ceremony with keynote speakers
- Jim Heirbaut – journalist NEMO Kennislink Operation Green Care
- Anne van der Eijk, Manager OK-Facilitair & Centrale Sterilisatie Dienst LUMC
- Tim Horeman, Ass. prof. Sustainable Surgery & Translational Technology TU Delft & Roelf Postema, surgeon Spijkenisse MC & PhD candidate Amsterdam UMC/TU Delft
- JC Diehl – professor in Design for Inclusive Sustainable Heathcare Systems TU Delft & Nicole Hunfeld – chief sustainability officer & governance Erasmus MC
14.15: Sustainable Healthcare Challenge
Join a collaborative initiative with professionals from various fields to address sustainability challenges. Participation is open for individual registration. When signing up, kindly specify your role, affiliated institution, and the thematic area that captures your interest for the challenge (refer to the themes below). Most importantly, name the specific topic you'd like to explore within this theme. Our aim is to create multidisciplinary teams tailored to participant expertise.
16.15: Refreshment break
16.30: Pitching ideas challenge
17.00: Networking drinks & announcement of the winner
Sustainable Healthcare Challenge; “Uniting smart minds for sustainable health & technology”
Martine van
Martine van Diepenbruggem.e.vandiepenbrugge@tudelft.nl
Sustainable Healthcare Challenge; “Uniting smart minds for sustainable health & technology”Sustainable Healthcare Challenge; “Uniting smart minds for sustainable health & technology”0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
TU Delft, Aula TU Delft, Aula Mekelweg 5 2628 CC Delft Netherlands