Are you a student with ADHD and/or Autism (formally diagnosed, self-diagnosed or strong suspicion), and you...
-find yourself exhausted at the end of every day?
-feel rushed in your daily life?
-experience that the study-personal life balance is off?
-feel that your time and energy run out while you task list is not getting shorter?
-say 'yes' to different tasks and invitations but you end up without energy to actually act upon them?
-realize you are tired only after you are completely depleted?
In this workshop we will explore your energy sources and drainers and will go through practical strategies that can help you map your energy profile and manage your daily activities and time with that in mind.
By the end of this workshop, you will be able to…
• understand the effects of energy expenditure in your daily life
• share your own experiences with managing energy and time
• map your energy profile, including energy resources and drainers
• reflect on the way you have been managing your daily energy
• get a taste of different tools that can support a lifestyle with balanced energy levels
The workshop will be facilitated by Eva Ipektzidou and Gesa Lange, student counsellors at SBE and UCM, respectively. As part of the UM project team Embracing Neurodiversity: Let’s Talk about ADHD and Autism, they are dedicated to fostering a safe and welcoming environment at UM where neurodivergent individuals can express their needs, access appropriate support, and feel understood.
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-ADHD and/or Autism - Balancing energy levels
-ADHD and/or Autism - Balancing energy
-ADHD and/or Autism - Balancing energy levelscareerservices@maastrichtuniversity.nl
-ADHD and/or Autism - Balancing energy levels-ADHD and/or Autism - Balancing energy levels0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Maastricht UniversityMaastricht UniversityMinderbroedersberg 4-6 6211 LK Maastricht Netherlands