"Is brain and/or nerve stimulation useful for tinnitus?"
Prof. Dr. Dirk De Ridder - BRAI3N
"How to treat tinnitus with the wisdom of the crowd."
Joop van Gent - TinnitusHouse
"Deep brain stimulation as a potential treatment for severe tinnitus."
Dr. Mark Janssen - Maastricht UMC
“Tinnitus does not interfere with the detection of soft sounds.”
Prof. Dr. Gerard Borst - Erasmus MC
"Bioelectronic Medicine for the Treatment of Tinnitus."
Prof. Dr. Ir. Wouter Serdijn - Delft University of Technology
Tinnitus Symposium; The Sounds of Progress
Registration website for Tinnitus Symposium; The Sounds of ProgressMartine van Diepenbruggehealth@tudelft.nl
Martine van Diepenbruggehealth@tudelft.nlhttps://www.aanmelder.nl/149531
Tinnitus Symposium; The Sounds of ProgressTinnitus Symposium; The Sounds of Progress0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
TU Delft, Conference CenterTU Delft, Conference CenterMekelweg 5 2628 CD Delft Netherlands