Why ChatGPT is not Like a Pocket Calculator
and other Misconceptions about AI
Auditorium Minderbroedersberg 4-6
Anco Peeters,
Philosopher, lecturer artificial intelligence and cognitive neuroscience, Radboud University Nijmegen
By their very nature, the seemingly endless capacities of new generative AI models spark our imagination. Unfortunately, these daydreams go hand-in-hand with some misconceptions. Anco Peeters will discuss three common misconceptions: 1) that generative AI are neutral tools; 2) that they are creative; and 3) that they will save us work. He will end on a more positive note, namely under what conditions we can use generative AI without losing sight of our autonomy.
Anco Peeters is a philosopher and cognitive scientist specializing in artificial intelligence and cognitive neuroscience. His present research is on the (virtue) ethics of artificial intelligence, (episodic) memory and mnemonics, and the general understanding of mind in embodied, enactive cognition terms.
25 September 2023
TechLec Series
Keeping Track of the Future
Developments in science and technology are accelerating. In addition, the consequences for our daily lives and for society are increasingly far-reaching. This new series of lectures introduces you to the latest developments from the forefront of science and technology.
Every two months, a leading expert takes you to the fascinating front lines of science. From biocomputing to engineering organoids. From Artificial Intelligence to online open source investigation. From quantum computing to nanotechnology to robotics.
TECHLEC: Why ChatGPT is not Like a Pocket Calculator and other Misconceptions about AI
Registration website for TECHLEC: Why ChatGPT is not Like a Pocket Calculator and other Misconceptions about AIStudium Generale Maastricht
Studium Generale Maastricht Universitysg-lectures@maastrichtuniversity.nl
TECHLEC: Why ChatGPT is not Like a Pocket Calculator and other Misconceptions about AITECHLEC: Why ChatGPT is not Like a Pocket Calculator and other Misconceptions about AI0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
AuditoriumAuditoriumMinderbroedersberg 4-6 Maastricht Netherlands