IP Slaapzaal @X TU Delft
In your registration to participate in the 5-day On Campus Introdruction Programme you indicated your interest in the sleeping option. IP offers you the opportunity to book and pay online for your sleeping spot on campus.
The sleeping spots are in a sports hall at X TU Delft.
We have 100 spots (including gear) for IP participants.
You can use the changing rooms, showers, and toilet of X TU Delft.
Upon arrival you go to the Check-in desk, open on Sunday 13 August 18:00-20:00 hrs, or Monday 17:00-19:00 hrs.
You will be provided with an air mattress, a sleeping bag and a pillow and can drop your suitecase (max 1) for storage. Pack a small bag for the days you will sleep at our facility.
The air mattress, sleeping bag and pillow are yours to keep, during and after the Introduction Programme.
Suitcase storage
You can store 1 suitcase. In the unforseen situation that you need to access your suitcase, the storage facility with survaillance will only be open once a day.
We are still working on the timeslots, and will update you closer to the programme.
Overnight stay IP Summer 2023
Overnight stay IP Summer 2023ipsummer2023@tudelft.nl
Overnight stay IP Summer 2023ipsummer2023@tudelft.nlhttps://www.aanmelder.nl/146729
Overnight stay IP Summer 2023Overnight stay IP Summer 20230.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
IP Slaapzaal @X TU DelftIP Slaapzaal @X TU DelftMekelweg 8 2611AL Delft Netherlands