How to reach Wageningen from Schiphol Airport
Most international visitors arrive at Schiphol Airport (Amsterdam). First, you pass through Immigration. Before collecting your luggage, it is advisable to change your foreign currency into Euros at one of the currency exchange banks (grenswisselkantoren). These can be used to exchange your currency. The banks at Schiphol Airport are open every day, even on Sundays.
Schiphol Airport
In order to travel with the train and bus, we advise you to buy an 'ovchipkaart' (public transportation card) at Schiphol service points. Please visit ov chipkaart to find out how to buy an anonymous or a personalized ov card. Learn more about the NS Ticket Machines.
Schiphol Airport to Ede-Wageningen
Trains depart from Schiphol Airport to Ede-Wageningen every 30 minutes.
Take the intercity train in the direction of Nijmegen. Your final stop is Ede-Wageningen. Travel time from Schiphol to Ede-Wageningen is approximately 65 minutes.
You sometimes have to change trains at Utrecht station and take another train in the direction of Arnhem/Nijmegen to Ede-Wageningen. Travel time from Schiphol to Ede-Wageningen is approximately 60-75 minutes.
Railway station Ede-Wageningen
From bus station Ede-Wageningen you can take the bus to Wageningen. There are two buses that can take you to the Omnia at Wageningen University.
You can pay for the bus with the OV-chipkaart that you bought at Schiphol airport.
Without an OV chipkaart you can only buy a bus ticket with a Dutch Bank card or visa master card. More information about the OV-Chipcard is available online.
Please use the journey planner for a detailed route plan.
Location: Ede-Wageningen station
To Event Location: Hoge Steeg 2, 6708 PB Wageningen
A taxi from Ede-Wageningen railway station to Wageningen costs approximately €30.
- Check the weather forecasts and rain prediction. Dutch weather is known for its rapid changes.
- Beware of pickpockets and thieves when changing money and watch your luggage especially when entering the trains. Thieves are active at the major train stations like Schiphol, Duivendrecht and Utrecht Central Station.
- When traveling by public transportation you will have to change trains and buses, please take this into account when planning your trip.
the CURE workshop
CURE project
CURE project teamcure-citg@tudelft.nl
the CURE workshop the CURE workshop 0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Wageningen University & Research, Omnia buildingWageningen University & Research, Omnia buildingHoge Steeg 2, Building 105 6708 PH Wageningen Netherlands