'Making our voices heard to each other' - An interactive session on effective communication of sensitive or emotionally loaded topics by Ophélie Hue.
How can we learn to listen to others, and how can we communicate? This interactive session will look at empowering each other, taking responsibility in ensuring good communication, and making the most of what we can do to advocate for ourselves in a productive way. When people don't really understand what you mean, how do you get them to understand what you mean and what you need?
The session is in English.
Ophélie is staff member at the D&I Office, involved with UnliMited from the early beginnings and member of the UnliMited Working group.
Writing the Future of UnliMited together | Connect & Make your voice heard
Writing the Future of UnliMited together | Connect & Make your voice heardunlimited-students@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Writing the Future of UnliMited together | Connect & Make your voice heardunlimited-students@maastrichtuniversity.nlhttps://www.aanmelder.nl/145530/subscribe
Writing the Future of UnliMited together | Connect & Make your voice heardWriting the Future of UnliMited together | Connect & Make your voice heard0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
UM SportsUM SportsP. Debyeplein 15 6229HA Maastricht Netherlands