As of February 1 2023, the Municipality of Delft will introduce paid parking for the public parking spaces on the campus. This means that as a TU Delft employee and student, you can only park for free at the six TU Delft locations: P1 to P6. At these parking locations barriers will be installed. Students and employees can park for free there with their campus cards.
For more information:
DCSE Mini Symposium June 7,2023
DCSE Mini Symposium June 7,
DCSE Mini Symposium June 7,2023d.r.bruijnius@tudelft.nl
DCSE Mini Symposium June 7,2023DCSE Mini Symposium June 7,20230.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced