It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 2023 Symposium of the Versatile Epidemiological Observatory (VEO) to be held 12-14 June 2023 at the SS Rotterdam in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
To participate in this years' event we ask you to register by 15 May 2023 at the latest through this Registration form.
This registration website contains several menu items, each item includes specific information about the meeting and it's logistics. Please visit all the menu items to find all the information about the next VEO symposium. All menu items appear at the top of this page. Once you registered for the symposium you can access your details via the login button at the top right of this page.
June is a very busy time in Rotterdam, when several other big conferences will be held in the same time frame as our annual symposium. In the menu tab "hotel accommodation" we have listed 2 hotels that can be booked with special code. Both hotels have limited availbility. First come, first serve!
See you soon in Rotterdam!
Young VEO and annual symposium 2023
VEO Symposium Logistics: Anouk
VEO Symposium Logistics: Anouk Gideonsea.gideonse@erasmusmc.nl
Young VEO and annual symposium 2023Young VEO and annual symposium 20230.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Stadshaven BrouwerijStadshaven BrouwerijGalileistraat 24 3029AM Rotterdam Netherlands