Care-tech workshop
A community passionate about researching and designing products, systems, and environments for care provision, prevention and healthy living.
CareTech theme aims to research for the betterment of health and care products, systems and environments designed and engineered for healthy living, prevention and care provision. We expect TU Delft scientists to bring in the human, individual, social, ethical, environmental, procedural, economic, regulatory, governance, political and legal aspects into consideration when designing and engineering for health and care. Under CareTech theme, we respond to societal challenges with healthcare involving healthy populations, communities, patients, healthcare providers, hospital managers, policy- and law-makers and the health-tech industry.
Moderated by: Dr. Elif Özcan and Dr. Saba Hinrichs-Krapels
TU Delft Health Initiative – Aspiration Day 2023
Registration website for TU Delft Health Initiative – Aspiration Day 2023Martine van
Martine van Diepenbruggehealth@tudelft.nl
TU Delft Health Initiative – Aspiration Day 2023TU Delft Health Initiative – Aspiration Day 20230.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
TU Delft, Conference CenterTU Delft, Conference CenterMekelweg 5 2628 CD Delft Netherlands