Workshops - descriptions
- Unmasking biased language, a powerful tool to end sexual violence by Sabine Meulenbeld
In the language we use every day to express ourselves, there are hidden messages that unconsciously endorse gender inequality and keep patterns of sexual violence in check. And even the very words we leave out, have a profound impact on our thought patterns concerning stereotype gender roles. What is the influence of language on our ideas? But also visa versa; how do our ideas influence our choice of words? And above all, what small steps can we take today to contribute to better prevent, understand and talk about gender related violence? That's what this talk is about.
- Emancipator: Male students in Maastricht, part of the solution?!by Shirodj Raghoenath
Most perpetrators of (sexually) transgressive behavior are men, but most men don't want to be a perpetrator. How can one activate fellow male students as a part of the solution? How to involve them in the prevention of sexual violence and transgressive behavior, within the university and within Maastricht? During this interactive workshop we explore the root causes of this behavior, the influence of peer pressure and we look at masculinity.
Note: this workshop is for students only!
- Peer-to-peer disclosure by Gesa Lange - Student counsellor at University College Maastricht
In this interactive lecture, we will delve into the significance of peer-to-peer disclosure and effective ways to support survivors of sexual violence. According to research, survivors of sexual violence tend to disclose their experiences to their peers. The session will explore the reasons why disclosing such experiences can be intimidating and the different types of social reactions that can ensue. We will also offer guidance on how to prevent victim blaming and provide information about resources available at UM and externally. Join us to learn more about how you can play a crucial role in creating a supportive and empathetic community.
- The 50 shades of consent - unraveling the complexity of consent and sexual transgression by Kai Jonas and Marieke Dewitte - Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience
In this interactive workshop we are going to unravel the complexity of consent and sexual transgression beyond a “mere miscommunication” approach, but instead want to discuss how establishing sexual consent and avoiding transgression can be (1) dependent on sexual development, (2) construed among LGBTQI+ individuals, and (3) influenced by substance/prescription drug use. Based on case studies we want to engage in an open discussion on these cases, and aim at 1) developing a better understanding of the complexity of determining sexual consent and avoiding transgression and 2) get first ideas of what kind of information and competence are necessary to facilitate establishing consent.
Conference on Sexual Violence - Prevention and Support at UM | Vol II
Conference on Sexual Violence - Prevention and Support at UM | Vol
Conference on Sexual Violence - Prevention and Support at UM | Vol IIdiversity@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Conference on Sexual Violence - Prevention and Support at UM | Vol IIConference on Sexual Violence - Prevention and Support at UM | Vol II0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Maastricht UniversityMaastricht UniversityPaul-Henri Spaaklaan 1 6229EN Maastricht Netherlands