SYMPOSIUM: Safeguarding the accelerated upgrade and integration of large-scale sustainable energy systems
Organizer and chairperson: José Rueda (TU Delft, Resilient Sustainable Energy Systems)
Energy systems urgently need an acceleration of their technological upgrade to achieve societal and environmental goals. The symposium gathers experts from industry and academia to reflect on the main R&D challenges and their prospective solutions.
SYMPOSIUM: Safeguarding the accelerated upgrade and integration of large-scale sustainable energy systems
Registration website for SYMPOSIUM: Safeguarding the accelerated upgrade and integration of large-scale sustainable energy systemsSYMPOSIUM: Safeguarding the accelerated upgrade and integration of large-scale sustainable energy
SYMPOSIUM: Safeguarding the accelerated upgrade and integration of large-scale sustainable energy systemsv.g.ruiter@tudelft.nl
SYMPOSIUM: Safeguarding the accelerated upgrade and integration of large-scale sustainable energy systemsSYMPOSIUM: Safeguarding the accelerated upgrade and integration of large-scale sustainable energy systems0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Foyer/1st Floor of Aula Congress Centre (Posters & Lunch between 12:40-14:00)Foyer/1st Floor of Aula Congress Centre (Posters & Lunch between 12:40-14:00)Mekelweg 5 2628 CC Delft Netherlands