Karen Kelsky
Karen Kelsky is the Founder and CEO of The Professor Is In, a full-service individual and institutional consultancy on the academic job search and all elements of the academic and post-academic career. She speaks nationally and internationally on topics related to Ph.D. professionalization, and is a columnist at Chronicle Vitae. As the creator of the Sexual Harassment in the Academy Survey and the #MeTooPhD hashtag, Karen speaks nationally on issues of sexual assault in the academy, with a focus on empowering victims and training people in leadership. She is a former tenured professor and department head at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and University of Oregon. Her book The Professor Is In: The Essential Guide to Turning Your Ph.D. Into a Job (Random House 2015), is going into a second edition. Check out the Professor Is In podcast. Also, find her on Facebook at The Professor Is Inand The Professor Is Out, on Twitter, and in her 2021 TEDx talk, Academia Is a Cult.
Source: https://theprofessorisin.com/in-the-news/
Sexual Harassment in the Academy
FEM - Female Empowerment Maastrichtfem@maastrichtuniversity.nl
FEM - Female Empowerment Maastrichtfem@maastrichtuniversity.nlhttps://www.aanmelder.nl/143020
Sexual Harassment in the AcademySexual Harassment in the Academy0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced