Knowledge Security Symposium Friday 23rd June 2023
Knowledge Security: Why, how and the Industrial Perspective on Open Science and Research Collaboration.
Our academic environment is an open system. That is its strength, because open exchange of knowledge is at the heart of scientific progress. After all, international cooperation and the ability to attract scientific talent from all over the world have always formed an important part of this progress.
Although we aim for scientific transparency through Open Science, we must also guard against its misuse. Global political developments have led to legitimate concerns about this issue, both within society and within our organisation itself. We need to become more critical of the partners with whom we cooperate, and handle sensitive knowledge and technology with caution.
TU Delft has taken significant steps already in its knowledge security approach. Other institutions and industrial research partners have also taken their measures.
The programme will be in English and runs from 15:00 to 17:00 on Friday June 23rd. It’s a live event with physical attendance only.
What is knowledge security?
Knowledge Security entails conducting research in a safe manner. It focuses on legal frameworks of knowledge transfer, creating protection from external pressure, coercion and temptation, as well as on preventing human rights violations through the misuse of research results.
Visit the Knowledge Security site on the intranet for more information (TU Delft employees only).
Knowledge Security Symposium
Knowledge Security Symposium
Knowledge Security Symposium guestcentre@tudelft.nl
Knowledge Security Symposium Knowledge Security Symposium 0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Senaatszaal at TU Delft Aula Senaatszaal at TU Delft Aula Mekelweg 5 2628 CC Delft Netherlands