Information abstracts
The deadline for abstract submissions is closed.
Submitted abstracts
More than 140 abstracts have been submitted and the Scientific Committee is very happy with this. The review of the abstracts will take place in the coming weeks and a ranking will be made.
Poster presentations
For poster presentations, in principle, all abstracts that meet the quality standards will be accepted, depending on space availability.
Posters can be displayed throughout the congress and are intended to engage the audience during sessions and promote interaction and discussion.
All submitters will be notified by email no later than March 1 whether the abstract has been accepted and whether they will be given the opportunity to present a poster session.
Flash Posters -Fringe sessions- Oral presentations
In addition, a number of submitters will be given the opportunity to make an oral presentation, flash poster session or a fringe session during the conference and they will also be notified by email before March 1.
IDMC-14 2024
Judith van Werven and Bianca
Judith van Werven and Bianca Gremmenevents.rha@radboudumc.nl
IDMC-14 2024IDMC-14 20240.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
De VereenigingDe VereenigingKeizer Karelplein 2D 6511 NC Nijmegen Netherlands