Do you recognize that feeling when, no matter how hard you work, you always seem to focus on that which is not finished, or is not deemed good enough? Or perhaps you simply delay making a start on your study tasks? Maybe you are afraid of making mistakes, and you continuously set the bar higher and higher for yourself? It may be that you want to control everything and that you are critical, not only of yourself, but also of your environment. Even relaxing is often difficult for you constantly have that feeling of "having" to perform.
In this case you may suffer from perfectionist traits.
During this two-part training formed on the principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), you will get a unique perspective on perfectionism. ACT offers a fresh approach by teaching you how to deal with the critical voice in your head in a different way, and how to create more room for flexibility and self-compassion.
What will you learn in the training?
During the meetings, student advisers will provide insight into what perfectionism is, how it can control your behavior, and how you can start breaking perfectionist patterns.
Do you feel that you don't have the time for this? That might be the best indication that this training is meant for you! Break the pattern of always "having to" and give yourself this chance.
Please note that this is basic training on perfectionism. If there are more serious mental issues involved for which you may have already been in treatment an individual appointment with a studentadviser might be more suitable.
Training Perfectionisme
Training Perfectionismestudentadvisingfhml@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Training PerfectionismeTraining Perfectionisme0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Maastricht UniversityMaastricht UniversityUniversiteitssingel 60 6229 ER Maastricht Netherlands