31 March 2023
Arrivals and walk-in coffee
Welcome, review of project results, and introduction to the conference Christine Neuhold, RELAY project co-coordinator and Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
Panel 1 – Making the EU more ‘democratic’ and more ‘socially fair’: how far have we come
Panel 2 – Promoting ‘EU values’ and assuming ‘global leadership’
Coffee break
Panel 3 - A ‘sustainable’ and ‘green’ Europe that is ‘fit for the digital age’: how to get there?
Concluding remarks
Closing Reception
RELAY Dissemination Conference: ‘Europa’, (how) have you tackled the challenges you faced?
Registration website for RELAY Dissemination Conference: ‘Europa’, (how) have you tackled the challenges you faced?RELAY Dissemination Conference: ‘Europa’, (how) have you tackled the challenges you faced?
RELAY Dissemination Conference: ‘Europa’, (how) have you tackled the challenges you faced?campusbrussels@maastrichtuniversity.nl
RELAY Dissemination Conference: ‘Europa’, (how) have you tackled the challenges you faced?RELAY Dissemination Conference: ‘Europa’, (how) have you tackled the challenges you faced?0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Maastricht University Campus Brussels Maastricht University Campus Brussels 153 Avenue de Tervueren 1150 Brussels Belgium