17 March 2023
Erasmus Paviljoen
Walk-in with sandwiches
Theatre Erasmus Paviljoen
Keynote speaker Gerrit Jan van 't Veen
Director WorldStartup
Gerrit Jan is one of the founders of WorldStartup, a global platform for changemakers. He is dedicated to supporting the most promising impact startups in the world. WorldStartup believes that an inclusive and regenerative economy is the way forward for a sustainable future. Their goal is to catalyse positive growth in every corner of the world by promoting the power of collaboration and the beauty of equality.
If you would be that butterfly?
About entrepreneurship on the edge of a regenerative & inclusive economy.
Keynote speaker Ron Ainsbury, M. Phil. (Oxon) Professor Business Responsibility & Sustainability
During a 40-year business career, as a business strategy consultant, CEO and entrepreneur, Ron has built and led successful teams, driven company turnarounds and developed innovative solutions to business problems.
Over the last decade he has focused on helping businesses develop innovative responses to ESG threats in the fast-changing global markets, often converting risks into business opportunities.
He is a visiting lecturer at two business schools in Vietnam where he leads classes in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Business Sustainability. He is a mentor to former students who are managing start-ups and is a Director of a New Zealand company, Ecadame, which provides online courses combined with hands-on training helping students build vocational careers.
The 21st Century Business School
There is nothing new under the sun.
In this talk, Ron will set out how a modern business school should be operating - and how many of the critical elements he describes have been critical elements in the past but long since discarded, for the wrong reasons.
He will describe how business leaders, in the community in which the business school operates, should play a vital role in the success of the 21st century business school.
Kralingse Zoom 91
Inspiration session round 1
Kralingse Zoom 91
Inspiration session round 2
Kralingse Zoom 91
Drinks/Career event
RBS Masters Impact Day
Registration website for RBS Masters Impact DayRBS Masters Impact Day
RBS Masters Impact Day rbs-events@hr.nl
RBS Masters Impact Day RBS Masters Impact Day 0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Erasmus PaviljoenErasmus PaviljoenBurgemeester Oudlaan 350 3062 PA Rotterdam Netherlands