UM, Faculty of Law
UM offers a UTQ programme for everyone with teaching tasks and who has already completed the PBL and tutor training. It is a conscious choice to encourage all staff involved in teaching to obtain the UTQ and to further develop as a teacher since UM aims for high educational quality. In the UTQ programme, you will develop knowledge and skills for developing education, teaching delivery and student assessment in direct relation to your teaching tasks. The UTQ is mutually recognised by all Dutch research universities.
The University Teaching Qualification (UTQ) programme of the Faculty of Law (FoL)
What is the UTQ?
To promote the quality of university education and the professional development of their teaching staff, the Dutch universities agreed in 2008 to mutually recognise the University Teaching Qualification (UTQ). Moreover, they defined the characteristics and content of the UTQ qualification and implemented these qualification criteria into their UTQ programmes. The recognition implies that certified teachers are acknowledged as being qualified to teach at university by all participating institutions without any further assessment.
What are the basic requirements?
Before you can sign up for the UTQ programme, you must meet the following basic requirements:
- Your head of department has agreed on your participation.
- You have successfully completed the PBL course and tutor training. To register for the PBL and tutor training, go to
- You have ample teaching experience. This means that you have performed the role of tutor for a minimum of two courses. (However, a more extensive educational experience is preferred).
University Teaching Qualification; UTQ (in Dutch BKO)
The UTQ programme consists of several steps:
Step 1: Attending the UTQ kick off meeting with the UTQ coordinator
Step 2: Attending the UTQ intake meeting with the UTQ coordinator
Step 3: Attending the 6 UTQ-modules:
1. Thesis supervision and assessment
2. Vision on education
3. Lectures in PBL (previous interactive lecturing)
4. Course development and problem design
5. Assessment
6. Tutor role
You can start at any time, with the module of your preference. Once you have done the UTQ kick off and intake, you will receive emails with UTQ news. As soon as a module is organized, you will receive information about the module and a link to register yourself.
Step 4: Writing your UTQ portfolio (in parallel to steps 2 and 3)
Step 5: Assessment procedure
Step 6: UTQ certificate ceremony (at UM level)
Unfortunately, we cannot plan far in advance because we have to take the trainers' educational planning into account. As soon as we have set new dates, this will be announced on UMployee. Please join the group Staff Development Law PBL & UTQ / BKO:
We try to send everyone a personal invitation e-mail with information about the next module and a link to register yourself.
The Intake and Kick-off are not organized before each module but a few times a year. If you have attended once, you do not need to attend again.
“UTQ Kick off session”
During this session your UTQ coordinator will provide information about the UTQ trajectory and the UTQ portfolio.
“UTQ Intake session”
During the intake session we discuss your personal UTQ learning goals and personal development plan. Furthermore, Catherine will provide you with some more information about the BKO/UTQ trajectory and the BKO/UTQ portfolio.
Before the UTQ session ‘Intake’, you should complete a preparatory task. You will find more information about this in the registration form.
Once you have done both the PBL and UTQ kick off and intake, you can sign up for the modules.
UTQ Module 1: Thesis supervision and assessment
In these UTQ sessions you will discuss how to supervise students in research and writing, and how to provide feedback. You will also discuss criteria for assessment of writing assignments and how to apply these in assessing students and providing final feedback.
These are the Intended Learning Outcomes
Participants are
- Able to supervise students individually and in groups [teaching delivery]
- Able to adopt various roles, such as thesis supervisor or coach [teaching delivery]
- Able to provide constructive feedback [teaching delivery]
- Able to give students constructive feedback on the basis of the formulated
assessment criteria [student assessment]
- Able to assess students based on predefined criteria [student assessment]
“UTQ: Assessing and guiding a thesis/essay” consists of 3 parts.
Part 1 Information and journal club
Part 2 Lectures (and Questions)
2.1) Practical information about bachelor and master thesis
2.2) What have students learned during the skills courses?
Part 3 Workshop
We would like to ask you to attend the parts chronologically. You start with part 1 (information and journal club), afterwards you attend part 2 (two lectures), to end with part 3 (workshop).
You need to register for each part/session. For each part, you can choose between several dates. During part 3 (workshops) we will work in small groups to give you optimal personal guidance.
For part 1 and part 3 you are asked to complete preparatory tasks which you find in Canvas.
UTQ Module 2: Vision on education
What is the module about?
In these UTQ sessions, participants discuss the educational vision of the UM and the FoL and their own educational vision.
These are the Intended Learning Outcomes:
Participants are…
- Able to understand the educational vision of UM, the FoL.
- Able to express how their own educational vision aligns with the educational vision of UM, the FoL.
- Able to explain how they perceive the role of the teacher in the student learning process and what they want to achieve in teaching.
“UTQ: Vision on education” consists of 3 parts:
1) Journal Club and info
2) CCCS in NNR/NR and ELS
3) CCCS Boundaries or opportunities
You need to register for each part/session so you need to select 3 timeslots. For each part, you can choose between several dates.
For part 1 and part 3 you are asked to complete preparatory tasks which you find in Canvas.
UTQ Module 3: Lectures in PBL (previous interactive lecturing)
What is the module about?
In these UTQ sessions, participants will explore what elements are important for student-centered, interactive lecturing and share experiences. Participants will receive feedback on their personal presentation style, from both the workshop trainer and their colleagues.
What are the Intended Learning Outcomes?
Upon completion of this module, you are able to:
- reflect on the role of a classical lecture in the curriculum,
- discuss the ‘why’ of interactivity during plenary sessions,
- compare and contrast different ways of facilitating interactivity during plenary sessions,
- practice with presenting in front of a live audience,
- reflect on your presentation style,
- summarize factors that enhance student learning during lectures.
These link to the more general goals of the UTQ trajectory:
Participants are…
…. Able to apply the educational principles of active, student-centered learning in developing education and teaching. [developing education – teaching delivery]
…. Able to adopt various educational roles, such as lecturer. [teaching delivery]
….. Able to encourage students to embrace the educational principles of active, student-centered learning. [teaching delivery]
The module “UTQ: Interactive lecturing” consists of 3 parts.
1) Journal Club and information
2) Tips about (interactive) lecturing
3) Workshop
We would like to ask you to attend the parts chronologically. You start with part 1 (Journal club and information), followed by part 2 (Tips about interactive lecturing), and then finish with part 3 (Workshop).
You need to register for each part/session. For each part, you can choose between several dates. During part 3 (Workshop) we will work in small groups to give you optimal personal guidance. Therefore, available spots are limited for part 3 of this module.
For part 1 and part 3 you are asked to complete preparatory tasks. Before attending part 1 you need to upload your preparation task.
UTQ Module 4: Course development and problem design
What is the module about?
In these UTQ sessions, participants discuss course development and problem design and share experiences.
What are the Intended Learning Outcomes?
Upon completion of this module, you are able to:
● explain the position of your part of the curriculum in relation to the structure and the ILOs of either the entire curriculum or the relevant part of it. [developing education]
● identify characteristics of the target group, such as prior knowledge, and design education based on these characteristics. [developing education]
● clearly express and communicate the educational outcomes (ILOs) to students. [developing education]
● justify the educational design choices made for different parts of the curriculum, such as a course, workshop, training session(s) or lecture. [developing education]
● involve students in the educational principles of active, student-centred learning. [teaching delivery]
The module “UTQ: Development of education” consists of 3 parts.
Part 1: Journal club, theory and information – Development of education
Part 2: Problem design, course design and curriculum design in Legal Education
Part 3: Workshop – Reflection on course and task design
You have to attend the parts chronologically. You start with part 1 (Journal club, theory and information – Development of education), followed by part 2 (Problem design, course design and curriculum design in Legal Education), and then finish with part 3 (Workshop – Reflection on course and task design).
You need to register for each part/session. For each part, you can choose between several dates. During part 3 (workshop) we will work in small groups to give you optimal personal guidance. Therefore, available spots are limited for part 3 of this module.
For parts 1 and 3 you are asked to complete preparatory tasks. You need to upload your preparation task at least 2 working days before the start of the session.
UTQ Module 5: Assessment
What is the module about?
We know from research that assessment shapes students' experience and influences their learning behaviour; it is an important motivator for student learning. As educators, it is important that we acquire knowledge of and insight into the purpose of assessment, its role in relation to student learning, the assessment cycle, assessment practices and methods, assessment policies at University and Faculty level, and criteria for assessing effective assessment methods.
In 2020, a UM taskforce developed the ‘UM vision on assessment: Moving from an assessment culture of testing toward a culture of feedback and development’. With this vision, the UM aims to better align assessment to the CCCS principles of problem-based learning, use a greater variety of assessment methods, promote assessment as and for learning (i.e., not only assessment of learning), and coordinate assessment at a programme level. You have already encountered the UM vision on assessment in preparation for the module on education development.
During this module on assessment, you will dive deeper into the literature on assessment, UM and Faculty policies on assessment, and assessment practice within the faculty.
What are the Intended Learning Outcomes?
Upon completion of this module, you will:
… have acquired knowledge and insight into the UM vision on assessment and assessment policy of the Faculty of Law. [student assessment]
… have acquired knowledge and insight into the assessment cycle and be able to justify the choices made in each step. [student assessment]
… be able to choose and implement an appropriate assessment method based on the principles of constructive alignment. [student assessment]
… be able to use relevant assessment methods that meet the validity, reliability, and transparency criteria. [student assessment]
... understand the difference between summative and formative assessment and be able to apply them effectively. [student assessment]
… be able to define criteria for different assessment methods in order to assess students and provide feedback. [student assessment]
... be able to give students constructive feedback based on the formulated assessment criteria. [student assessment]
The module “UTQ: Assessment” comprises 3 parts:
Part 1: Journal club, theory and information – Assessment
Part 2: Assessment at UM and LAW
Part 3: Workshop – Reflection on assessment
We ask you to attend the parts chronologically. You start with part 1 (Journal club, theory and information – Assessment), followed by part 2 (Assessment at UM and LAW), and then finish with part 3 (Workshop – Reflection on assessment).
You need to register for each part/session. During part 2 (workshop) we will work in small groups to give you optimal personal guidance. Therefore, available spots are limited.
Literature, Assignments and Preparation:
You will receive an invitation to join the LAW UTQ Canvas course, where you will find a module on assessment. The module provides you with instructions for the various parts of this module on assessment, information on literature, and assignments. Where you are asked to complete a preparatory task, you need to upload your preparation task at least 2 working days before the start of the session via the assignment submission in Canvas.
UTQ Module 6: Tutor role - Teaching Delivery.
What is the module about?
In these UTQ sessions, participants discuss teaching delivery and the tutor’s role.
What are the Intended Learning Outcomes?
Upon completion of this module, you are able to:
1. Facilitate effective learning in an international, diverse and inclusive learning environment. Facilitate safe, open discussion, listen effectively and pose questions to encourage (CCCS) learning.
2. Recognise group dynamics and deal with them appropriately.
3. Apply the CCCS (Constructive, Collaborative, Contextual, Self-directed learning) principles in educational practice to facilitate effective learning. Demonstrate how your implementation of education aligns with the UM vision on education.
4. Identify when and how to intervene during the tutorial discussion.
5. Identify characteristics of the target group, such as students’ prior knowledge
6. Reflect on your performance as a teacher by analysing strengths and points for improvement.
Subsequently, improve the teaching and learning experience based on:
a. Information gathered from student assessment
b. Student evaluations
c. Feedback from colleagues
d. Teaching experience
The module “UTQ: Teaching Delivery - Being a tutor” consists of 2 parts.
Part 1: Journal club, theory, information and reflection – Teaching delivery and being a tutor
Part 2: Peer learning - Teaching delivery and being a tutor
Please register via the invitation email you will receive. If you did not receive an email but would like to register for the module, please send an email to
For part 1 you are asked to complete a preparatory task. Please upload your preparatory tasks via ‘Assignments’ at least two working days before your session. The workshop leader will tailor the session accordingly. Therefore, it is important to submit your assignment on time.
We notice that some people do not show up and that others come even though they were not registered. This makes it impossible for us to keep track of who followed which module.
In case of changes, due to illness or other reasons, please adjust your registration yourself using the link in the confirmation (button in orange). We also kindly ask you to keep track of which modules you have completed.
Unfortunately, we cannot plan far in advance because we have to take the trainers' educational planning into account.
As soon as we have set new dates, this will be announced on UMployee. Please join the group Staff Development Law:
We also try to send everyone a personal invitation e-mail with information about the next module and a link to register yourself.
The Intake and Kick-off are not organized before each module but a few times a year. If you have attended once, you do not need to attend again.
The links for registration are:
Kick-off and Intake
UTQ Module 1: Thesis Supervision & Assessment
UTQ module 2: Vision on education
UTQ: Module 3: Lecturing and presentation skills
UTQ: Module 4: Education development - Course development and problem design
UTQ Module 5: Assessment
UTQ Module 6: Teaching Delivery
Staffdevelopment UTQ Module 5: Asessment
Staffdevelopment UTQ Module 5: Asessment
Staffdevelopment UTQ Module 5: Asessment chantal.meertens@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Staffdevelopment UTQ Module 5: Asessment Staffdevelopment UTQ Module 5: Asessment 0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Maastricht UniversityMaastricht UniversityMinderbroedersberg 4-6 6211 LK Maastricht Netherlands