All workshops start at 14:40h.
Workshop | In-classroom teacher guided peer review
Location Vondelzaal (in the Universiteitsbibliotheek)
Peer review is often used as a method to have students give each other feedback and gain new insights into their own writing process. However, students often feel insecure to give feedback, or may not trust feedback received by peers. Therefore, lecturers at the BSc Biomedical Sciences developed easy to implement, in-classroom active methods for (teacher) guided peer-review. During this workshop, we demonstrate a pass-through method. Using this method, we observed that students take their peer review tasks very seriously, give valuable and well-argued feedback, and trust the feedback they receive. Moreover, they reflect on the peer-review process as being insightful, useful, and even fun.
During the workshop, the pass-through peer-review methods are briefly explained, after which you will actively take part in peer review activities as students would during class.
About the workshop leaders
Laura Lighaam and Nina Scheres are lecturers working for Academic Skills and student-centered education at Biomedical Sciences. Their backgrounds are in microbiological (Nina) and immunological (Laura) research. They are involved in the learning trajectory of academic skills, selection for biomedical sciences and the honours programma of biomedical sciences.
Workshop | Incorporating active learning strategies into the classroom
Location Doelenzaal (in the Universiteitsbibliotheek)
Active learning is an instructional method that engages students in the learning process and requires students to do meaningful learning activities. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when implementing this framework into your classroom and enabling pervasive active learning to improve the student experience on campus.
In this interactive session, we will explore how you can embed active learning into your teaching practices to enhance student learning. Some examples of how this might be done, both as short activities within a lecture, and as longer activities taking up one or more teaching sessions will be outlined.
About the workshop leader
Hakan Körlü is an educational advisor for the Teaching and Learning Centre of the Faculty of Economics and Business (TLC-EB). As a former university lecturer who is passionate about teacher professionalization and educational innovation, Hakan enjoys creating instructional content and designing assessment tools. Hakan Körlu holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Teaching English as a Second Language and an MA in Adult Education with a thesis on the effective use of the (digital) educational tools.
Workshop | Supporting students’ self-regulation and motivation to offline and online learning
Location Potgieterszaal (in the Universiteitsbibliotheek)
The COVID-19 pandemic has unprecedented consequences for education, creating both opportunities and challenges. While online education during the pandemic gave students more flexibility, recent meta-analyses found that the pandemic has also negatively affected students’ wellbeing (Deng et al., 2021; Ma et al., 2021), by increasing depressive symptoms, anxiety, and loneliness, among other problems. Moreover, students experienced difficulties to stay motivated to online learning and to successfully self-regulate their behavior, which could impact their academic achievements and wellbeing. At the same time, teachers applied various online tool and strategies to support students’ motivation and self-regulation. Recently, the NeurolabNL team, has systematically reviewed articles published on this topic since the onset of the pandemic.
During this workshop, you learn about the key insights from this systematic literature review on the effects of education online during the COVID-19 pandemic on students' motivation and self-regulation. Review’s key findings are discussed in the context of students' academic achievements and well-being. You share your experiences on how you motivate your students and get inspired by other teachers’ strategies supporting students' motivation and self-regulation. Together, we draw recommendations of such strategies which may be successful in both online and offline educational settings.
About the workshop leader
Ewa Międzobrodzka is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Education at the Utrecht University and at the Department of Clinical, Neuro- and Developmental Psychology at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She investigates motivation and self-regulation related to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic within a NeurolabNL project, and self-regulated learning at school and at home settings. She is a former lecturer in the Youth and Media Entertainment Program Group, Department of Communication Science at the University of Amsterdam, where she applied her knowledge of supporting students’ motivation and self-regulated learning in practice. She conducted her PhD research at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, by combining media psychology, developmental psychology, and neuroimaging to study the effects of violent video games on youth.
Workshop | Improving together: Selfregulated learning in the workplace
Location Belle van Zuylenzaal (in the Universiteitsbibliotheek)
A new Master of Medicine at the UvA, named Epicurus, started in September 2021. With the Epicurus master's degree, self-regulated learning has been given a solid place in the curriculum. This is expressed in the programmatic testing, in the mentorship, during the teaching moments and in the feedback cycle that is used in the workplace. In this workshop you take the position of learner, because in your role as a teacher, trainer or mentor you are also engaged in self-directed learning. The concepts of self-regulated learning and the feedback cycle become concrete by involving them in your own learning process.
Because how do you receive feedback? And what do you need to learn from feedback? In short: an opportunity to experience what the students you supervise experience!
About the workshop leaders
Chantal Albicher is Program coordinator Programmatic Testing Master of Medicine Amsterdam UMC-UvA, co-project leader subproject Feedback & Assessment master of Medicine and Gynecologist. Sander Corssmit is General Practitioner, Principal Educator, coordinator of Mentorship Master Epicurus and coordinator internship general practice UvA-AMC. Janneke van der Hulst is Educational Advisor at TLC-FdG and project leader Training Programmatic Testing Workplaces. Dr Lida van der Merwe is Senior Lecturer Human Anatomy, Principal Educator and Biological Anthropologist (Department of Medical Biology, Section Clinical Anatomy and Embryology).
Workshop | Science, society, and sustainability: Meet Sustaina Student Lab
Location Kerkenraadskamer (in the Singelkerk)
The Sustaina Student Lab (SSL, part of the foundation Amsterdam Green Campus) is an interdisciplinary Lab where science (researchers, lecturers, and students) and society (companies, and public institutions) meet and work together on overarching societal sustainability themes. Businesses and public organizations can share their societal sustainability issues, which we then transform to research questions for students.
In this workshop, we share our challenges and lessons learned. Furthermore, we discuss three questions:
After discussing the three questions, we discuss innovative solutions and incentives for the future of SSL, define more general applicable take aways and discuss how the participants of the roundtable might engage in the same direction.
About the workshop leaders
Dylan Suijker works under the Amsterdam Green campus as project leader. His mission is to familiarize the Alfa and Gamma faculties of the UvA more with the beta faculty already present within the Sustaina Student Lab. He hopes the faculties will benefit greatly from developing closer cooperation between the various disciplines.
Titus Rombouts is a lecturer at the Graduate School for Life and Earth Sciences and work as a coach in the Sustaina Student Lab. He focusses on guiding students that are working on their MSc and BSc thesis in the field of aquatic ecology. He proposes research questions based on societal sustainable partners to the students and helps to find answers through the field of science of the student within their thesis. In his view, this can be a beautiful win-win for both students and societal partners.
- Should Community Service Learning (CSL) focus on integration between UvA and MBO and HBO students? Currently our foundation is promoting students with different levels to work together. How can cooperation between these levels improve, and should we even continue doing this?
- What is a good form for CSL in the future? Should foundations like Sustaina Student Lab be institutionalized within the UvA or remain independent?
- Are CSL projects better suited for module/course level or at internship/thesis level?
Workshop | Communal reading: powerful pedagogical tool for connection
Location Bibliotheek (in the Singelkerk)
Critical appraisal of sources, extracting key arguments, summarizing, and paraphrasing from academic texts are rigorously practiced at the university level. However, the need to cover large volumes of texts pushes students to prioritize speed over depth, reducing one of the most potent mediums for learning into information seeking, skimming, and extraction skills. How can we recover reading in a way that will serve the purpose of meaning-making, community building, and learning as a community? One way to nurture relational qualities among students and cultivate a sense of community is to reintroduce communal reading as a learning activity into university classrooms.
In this workshop, you will learn about contemplative reading, how to apply it in university eduaction and, most importantly, experience its power first-hand. The method is applicable for disciplinary as well as interdisciplinary classes.
About the workshop leader
Dr L. (Lela) Mosemghvdlishvili is an education research fellow at the University of Amsterdam, lecturer, and academic skills coordinator at the interdisciplinary honors program Politics, Psychology, Law, and Economics (PPLE).
Workshop | Incorporating Green Thinking; Sustainability, energy consumption in software
Location Souterrain (in the Singelkerk)
‘Green Thinking’ has become an integral part of the Project Software Engineering course in the computer science bachelors. In this workshop, you will discuss how to integrate green thinking into other courses. First you will learn how the ‘Green Thinking’ concept was integrated in an existing course. Then you will form small groups and look at the rubrics in your courses, where you discuss how to implement ‘Green Thinking’. You will conclude the workshop by discussing your proposals for these implementations with your colleagues.
About the workshop leader
Dr. Ana-Maria Oprescu is an Assistant Professor in the Complex CyberInfrastructure research group in the Institute of Informatics (IvI) at the University of Amsterdam since 2021. Previously she was a lecturer in the Parallel Computing Systems research group in the same institute. She is chairwoman of the Admissions Board and of the Programme Committee for the Software Engineering master, as well as a member of the Women in the Faculty of Science (WiF) board. She received her Senior Teaching Qualification in 2020. Her research goal is to understand the fundamental laws governing the complexity of modern software services such that we can eventually build controllable complex software services. She has participated in several FP7 and H2020 projects (XtreemOS, Contrail), and has recently very successfully (83/100) concluded an Erasmus+ project (3COWS). She is also involved in the AMdEX initiative. She published more than 40 articles in international conferences and journals.
Onderwijsdag 2022
Onderwijsdag 2022congres@uva.nl
Onderwijsdag 2022Onderwijsdag 20220.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Singelkerk Amsterdam (plenary start at 12.30)Singelkerk Amsterdam (plenary start at 12.30)Herengracht 431 1017 AW Amsterdam Netherlands