Transforming Consumption-Production Systems Toward Just and Sustainable Futures
a joint 5th SCORAI, 21st ERSCP, and Wageningen University Conference.
Relive the Highlights: Catch Up on Keynote Sessions You Might Have Missed here!
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SCP23 is held back to back with
SCP23: SCORAI-ERSCP-WUR Conference "Transforming consumption-production systems toward just and sustainable futures" (July 5-8, 2023, in Wageningen)
SCP23: SCORAI-ERSCP-WUR Conference "Transforming consumption-production systems toward just and sustainable futures" (July 5-8, 2023, in Wageningen)
SCP23: SCORAI-ERSCP-WUR Conference "Transforming consumption-production systems toward just and sustainable futures" (July 5-8, 2023, in Wageningen)noreply-website@scp-conference-2023.com
SCP23: SCORAI-ERSCP-WUR Conference "Transforming consumption-production systems toward just and sustainable futures" (July 5-8, 2023, in Wageningen)SCP23: SCORAI-ERSCP-WUR Conference "Transforming consumption-production systems toward just and sustainable futures" (July 5-8, 2023, in Wageningen)0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Wageningen University & ResearchWageningen University & ResearchHoge Steeg 2 6708 PB Wageningen Netherlands