Want to join?
UM community
We are always looking for new people to join our community! We would be happy to have you. There are no formalities involved in being a part of the UMc, and you don't need to pay any fees.
If you are interested in being more actively involved and to help run the community as (possibly) a board member or an active member, we would be happy to have you in our team!
If you'd be interested in being more involved with the community just send us an email at umcommunity-ssc@maastrichtuniversity.nl and we'll get back to you asap and answer all of your questions!
Peer Support
If you're interested in becoming a peer supporter you can reach us via peersupport@maastrichtuniversity.nl. Each peer supporter needs to undergo a group training with a UM psychologist before they can start. Because of that it is possible that you would need to wait until we have a big-enough group to organise a training. In the mean time, we'll organise special events focused on the theme of wellbeing and personal improvement, so you can get to know the team and participate in interesting events. So be sure to reach out!
[the next PS training will be organised at the beginning of the academic year 22/23]
Z - gesloten - UM Community events
Z - gesloten - UM Community eventsumcommunity-ssc@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Z - gesloten - UM Community eventsumcommunity-ssc@maastrichtuniversity.nlhttps://www.aanmelder.nl/131710
Z - gesloten - UM Community eventsZ - gesloten - UM Community events0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
N - buildingN - buildingBrouwersweg 100 Maastricht Netherlands