GRONEN Conference 2022 Strategy for Carbon Neutrality The GRONEN 2022 conference intends to be carbon neutral by:
1. Implementing carbon reduction strategies in accordance with the general carbon reduction strategies of the University of Amsterdam (see here for more information).
2. Ensuring that the remaining main CO2 emissions related to the conference are offset by investing, through the Climate Neutral Group, in a Gold Standard renewable energy project (see here for more information). This includes the following measures: *
a. Providing participants with the opportunity to voluntarily offset their flights’ carbon emissions during registration.
b. Committing to offset the estimated emissions of participants travelling by other means of transport (train, coach, car) and participants’ hotel stays.
c. Committing to offset the main CO2 emissions related to catering and internal operations like energy and paper usage.
3. After the conference, carbon offset contributions by participants will be invested, through the Climate Neutral Group, in a Gold Standard climate project (see here). Participants will receive a carbon offset certificate after the conference.
*All calculations related to CO2 emissions will be guided by the Events Calculator Developed by the Climate Neutral Group . We look forward to welcoming you to Amsterdam in 2022
See here more information about the Events Calculator Developed by the Climate Neutral Group
Gronen 2022
Registration website for Gronen 2022Gronen
Gronen 2022congres@uva.nl
Gronen 2022Gronen 20220.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Hotel CasaHotel CasaEerste Ringdijkstraat 4, 1097BC Amsterdam Netherlands