27 June 2022
Registration and coffee
Opening remarks and Best Paper announcement
G. Averkov and M. Schymura
On the maximal number of columns of a Δ-modular matrix
M. Celaya, S. Kuhlmann, J. Paat and R. Weismantel
Improving the Cook et al. Proximity Bound Given Integral Valued Constraints
D. Dadush, Z. K. Koh, B. Natura and L. A. Végh
On circuit diameter bounds via circuit imbalances
Coffee break
M. Gläser and M. Pfetsch
On the Complexity of Finding Shortest Variable Disjunction Branch-and-Bound Proofs
A. M. Kazachkov, P. Le Bodic and S. Sankaranarayanan
An Abstract Model for Branch-and-Cut
D. Dadush, C. Hojny, S. Huiberts and S. Weltge
A Simple Method for Convex Optimization in the Oracle Model
Lunch break
Z. Friggstad, R. Mousavi, M. Rahgoshay and M. R. Salavatipour
Improved Approximations for Capacitated Vehicle Routing with Unsplittable Client Demands
S. Dezfuli, Z. Friggstad, I. Post and C. Swamy
Combinatorial algorithms for rooted prize-collecting walks and applications to orienteering and minimum-latency problems.
M. Ahrens, D. Henke, S. Rabenstein and J. Vygen
Faster Goal-Oriented Shortest Path Search for Bulk and Incremental Detailed Routing
Coffee break
B. Moseley, K. Pruhs, C. Stein and R. Zhou
A Competitive Algorithm for Throughout Maximization on Identical Machines
J. Correa, A. Cristi, A. Fielbaum, T. Pollner and S. M. Weinberg
Optimal item pricing in online combinatorial auctions
P. Nuti
The Secretary Problem with Distributions
Poster session and Welcome reception
28 June 2022
E. Gaar, J. Lee, I. Ljubic, M. Sinnl and K. Taninmis Ersüs
SOCP-based disjunctive cuts for a class of integer nonlinear bilevel programs
R. Chen and J. Luedtke
Sparse Multi-Term Disjunctive Cuts for the Epigraph of a Function of Binary Variables
A. Del Pia and M. Walter
Simple odd β-cycle inequalities for binary polynomial optimization
Coffee break
R. Mirka, D. Smedira and D. Williamson
Graph Coloring and Semidefinite Rank
M. Drees
Intersecting and dense restrictions of clutters in polynomial time
A. Abdi, G. Cornuéjols, B. Guenin and L. Tunçel
Total dual dyadicness and dyadic generating sets
Lunch break
E. Balkanski, Y. Faenza and M. Kubik
The Simultaneous Semi-Random Model for TSP
S. Gutekunst, B. Jin and D. Williamson
The Two-Stripe Symmetric Circulant TSP is in P
A. Gupta, E. Lee, J. Li, M. Mucha, H. Newman and S. Sarkar
Matroid-Based TSP Rounding for Half-Integral Solutions
Coffee break
S. Khalife and A. Basu
Neural networks with linear threshold activations: structure and algorithms
R. Ghuge, A. Gupta and V. Nagarajan
Non-Adaptive Stochastic Score Classification and Explainable Halfspace Evaluation
O. El Housni, V. Goyal and A. Foussoul
LP-based Approximations for Disjoint Bilinear and Two-Stage Adjustable Robust Optimization.
Social dinner
29 June 2022
M. Neuwohner
The Limits of Local Search for Weighted k-Set Packing
A. Khan, A. Subramanian and A. Wiese
A PTAS for the Horizontal Rectangle Stabbing Problem
D. Fotakis, J. Matuschke and V. Papadigenopoulos
Generalized Malleable Scheduling under $M^\natural$-Concave Processing Speeds
Coffee break
T. Rothvoss and M. Venzin
Approximate CVP in time $2^{0.802 n}$ - now in any norm!
L. Mayrhofer, J. Schade and S. Weltge
Lattice-free simplices with lattice width 2d - o(d)
A. Del Pia, J. Linderoth and H. Zhu
On the Complexity of Separation From the Knapsack Polytope
Lunch break
C. Beideman, K. Chandrasekaran, D. Nanongkai and S. Mukhopadhyay
Faster Connectivity in Low-rank Hypergraphs via Expander Decomposition
E. Bamas, M. Drygala and O. Svensson
A Simple LP-Based Approximation Algorithm for the Matching Augmentation Problem
V. Cohen-Addad, T. Mömke and V. Verdugo
A 2-Approximation for the Bounded Treewidth Sparsest Cut Problem in FPT Time
Concluding remarks